9. No.

113 2 0

§|Sunny Solari|§

Sunny was in the worst mood today. She growled at everyone that came into her room and Glory looked at her like she was crazy. "Oh Sunny! How are you angry? You're always happy and like sunshine!"  Sunny couldn't stand anyone at all, even if they didn't take and possibly kill her father, she was mad. Like mad mad. Not play mad, or anything. She was affected hard, and she could tell how Glory understood her. Sunny couldn't even read, because she missed her father so much.

"Sunny," Glory said

"What." Sunny said, closing her book hard.

"Do you," Glory hesitated, "need some space?" Sunny thought hard on that question, she used that to make anyone of her friends feel better. Like when Tsunami lost her father to an assassin.

"Yeah. Why not."  Sunny frowned, but not to hard. Glory took a few things with her and went out the room. And it looked like she was going to Stonemover's room, for what? Sunny didn't care. She was way too mad to. Sunny layed down on the bed. She was seriously going to kill someone. 

"Ohh, Sunny's going to feel better in no time! She is always super cheerful!"  She wished that her friends would never, ever guess her feelings. But she always knew they did. 

§-Qibli Solari-§

Qibli was extremely exhausted. His biological mother was after him, for some weird reasons. He was really sweaty and covered in cuts. The scar on his nose isn't enough? He'll now have to take care of them all. He walked into the house and Thorn was there. 

"Qibli!" Thorn exclaimed. "Are you okay?"

"Hi Thorn," Qibli said. "I'm fine-"

"Come." Thorn said, wiping her tears off. She looked like she was crying for a few minutes. He noticed how she was sniffing and tears were still dripping down her chin.

{~First Person~}

Come on Thorn, I'm fine! I survived Scorpion Den for a week and I lived! "You have to!" She says. Okay, okay, I'll go. If you stop pulling me. I'm not sure she's going to do that with that grip.

"Fine." I say, and pull my arm away from her. Thorn starts worrying, again. Her eyes are filling with more and more tears. I start to wonder what happened, she cried like this when she learned how her great-grandmother died. Was it Stonemover? Or her business? Maybe even her mother? Maybe not. Thorn suddenly grabs a bottle of bandages and starts healing my wounds. Hmm... she seems to like hiding all of that emotion that I see.

~(Regular POV)~

Thorn was healing Qibli's wounds and making sure they weren't infected or anything. Then, she sighed. 

"Who did this?" Thorn said, patting a bandaged wound.

"Cobra, for some weird reason." Qibli shrugged.

"I'll get her arrested." Thorn said, with fierce tears. Qibli nodded and wondered why. She clearly knew who hurt him but hid it so well. As she always did. Thorn marched out of the room to leave Qibli with his own thoughts. Ahh, I forgot I had homework! Time to solve stupid problems. 

505 words. <3 Bye.

(DISCONTINUED)Wings of Fire as HumansWhere stories live. Discover now