13. The very cringe dude

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I know this pic has nothing to do with the story but meet Stray Kids! This is the first group I ever stanned ❤️❤️❤️❤️ It honestly changed my life. You should go listen to it if possible! Now onto the book that you waited a long time for! Sorry for taking so long!

~Kinkajou Smith~

Kinkajou ran up to her best friend, Moon. Kinkajou liked Moon. Moon was her best friend. Moon agreed to be her best buddy. So Kinkajou liked Moon. Plus! Kinkajou could get her moon cakes as a joke! Kinkajou thought she was funny, but of course she was.

"Bye Mom!" Kinkajou yelled as she skipped out the door. Kinkajou saw Moon, who lived right across the street, and waved.

"HEY MOON!" She yelled, making sure Moon heard her. Moon looked embarrassed, Kinkajou didn't care though. She just wanted Moon to get out of her introvert-ish self and then they could have multiple best friends.

"Kinkajou!" Moon sighed, "My mom's still working the night shift! You've gotta quiet down!"

"Oh sorry, my bad," Kinkajou said, more quietly. Moon's mom was a busy person, she never had time to take care of Moon and her father never had time either. Moon looked sadder but she never told Kinkajou anything about what happened in that household. Kinkajou was okay with that but wanted to know a bit more to elevate their friendship. Kinkajou heard multiple gunshots in that house but she thought it was a recording to scare off the bad guys and stuff. Maybe not though. Kinkajou never thought anything of it though because Moon would get secretive she did.

"Hey guys!" a voice shouted. It was Qibli, a tan-skinned person wearing a yellow sweatshirt. He was the sister of Sunny being adopted and all. He had a little scar on his nose from who knows what, he never talked about it.

"Hey Qibli!" Kinkajou said, waving. She smiled seeing all her friends at the same time.

"Where's Winter?" she asked, wanting to know where the cold and icy boy was. She had not seen him today and she still woke up early.

"I don't know. He probably left already because of us." Qibli shrugged, "I saw Turtle leave already, so yeah." Kinkajou sighed, the perks of being a teacher's kid seemed so cool.

"Come on guys! We're going to be late!" Moon reminded.

"Race ya there!" Qibli shouted sprinting. He was a fast dude but not as fast as Kinkajou. They ran and laughed at each other as the school day would soon start.
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Glory Rainfall
Tree with a face, that was their meeting spot. It had been for many years now. Ever since they first started the school. It was... Well, a tree with a face. Sort of. Someone had spray-painted the face on but it still counted right? Did, to be honest. Today though Glory had to meet up with Death☠️bringer. Who the fudge would that be? Glory just wanted to get it over with so she could see her friends and get to class.

"Um, guys? I've got to go see someone." Glory said, hoping that they wouldn't get suspicious.

"Okay," Clay said with his mouth full of fries. "Have fun and stuff." Glory smiled and ran away quickly. Death☠️bringer was meeting her at the playground that they still have. I hope he's not a creep.

"Hey! You! Are you Glory?" Someone yelled. He was dark-haired with white highlights and his clothes looked gloomy. Oh shirt, it's worse than I thought, he's EMO! He wasn't like Starflight but also not very colorful.

"Are you Death☠️bringer ?" Glory asked with a smirk.

"Yes ma'am," He said saluting. She burst into laughter.

"You're so cringe!" Glory said between laughs. Deathbringer smiled as he knew that this girl was already falling for him. He smiled softly as Glory laughed and giggled.

"Well, I guess I've never talked to someone that admits it immediately." He said, his cheeks pink. Glory grinned as she wiped away tears of laughter.

"Well, it's about time you got a reality check!" She said snapping her fingers in his face.
Deathbringer smirked, "Do I have rizz?" He needed to know the answer to this.

"You wish! No wonder you kept spamming me! You've never known a girl's sleep schedule!" Deathbringer gasped as he clutched his heart dramatically. Glory started laughing again.
"You are such a drama queen, just like Hyunjin!" She said, unable to stop laughing.

"OMG, you like Stray Kids?!?!?" Deathbringer said with glee on his face. "Who's your bias?"

"Uhm... Seungmin." Glory said proud of herself.

"Mine is Bang Chan!" Deathbringer said as they shrieked in fanperson. Glory checked the time on her watch.

"Oh crap we have to go to homeroom!" Glory said with a fear of being late. "Bye!" She shouted at the boy as she ran off into the building. She climbed the stairs quickly and managed to not be late.

"Miss Rainfall, so glad you could join us." Mrs. Coral said with a disappointed tone. She marked Glory present on the attendance.

"Sorry Mrs. Coral. I was distracted." She said, dipping her head a bit. *RING RING RING RING* That was the bell that marked the first period. Glory put on her backpack and rushed to her next class, gym. The worst subject ever...

894 words YAY!

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