10. Surprise!

97 1 4

§~Glory Rainfall~§ First Person ~§

"I hopped into a coffee shop, and then my jaw dropped in shock as I saw a girl who had cool pants. They made me want to dance. I started to advance and tell her until I heard a little voice say, stop you're gunna make it weird for every-ONE in here, and you're gunna break her flow. So you better just not.  I said you're really dumb, and then she looked up and thought that I was telling her that she was really dumb. I started to explain, I said I love your pants and I was previously talking to my brain . She said I understand, I made these pair of pants by hand. And I believe that it is time for us to dance. And that is what we did, we had a great time and all because I'd given a stranger a compliment ."

I really loved these lyrics and even if I'm not the person to, I won't give a flock. Hey, you can't tell me how to live life fully! It's my life! Bing! Bing! Oh. Who the fluck is "Death💀Bringer"? I sighed as I checked my phone.

Death💀Bringer: Hi, my queen. ;)
Sarcasm-Queen: Tf are u?
Death💀Bringer: I'm Deathbringer/Deathy.
Sarcasm-Queen: Pffft-
Sarcasm-Queen: Who tf calls you Deathy?!
Death💀Bringer: :(
Sarcasm-Queen: 😂😂😄😆
Death💀Bringer: ToT
Sarcasm-Queen: Now, stop messaging me.
Death💀Bringer: can u at least meet me at the parking lot tomorrow?
Sarcasm-Queen: u go to my school? Well... sure ig.
Death💀Bringer: ty!!!!!!!!!!!!

Glory wondered who on earth that was. Meh, some scammer probably. She tied some last bit of string together and looked at her final project. Perfect! Now all she had to do was go and tell Sunny.

"Sunny! Get over here!" Glory called.


"Because it's important!" Glory rolled her eyes. Sunny can be so annoyed sometimes. Sunny walked into the room and saw the project. She gasped.

"Whoa..." The project was a family tree that compared Stonemover and Thorn to Sunny. Many items and colors were on the project. And Glory even worked the hardest on the personalities and traits. 

"It's beautiful." Sunny said. Glory could see the tears in her eyes. 

"Do you wanna put it in our room?" Glory asked with a smile.

"Duh!" Sunny said, and started to carry a part if it. Glory grinned and helped Sunny carry it to a specific place. The living room. 

"What's going on here?" Thorn yawned, "Oh my god! That's beautiful!"

"Glory made it!" Sunny said, pointing at Glory.

"Thanks y'all." Glory said.

"Hey. I got some pop soda." Qibli said popping in, "want some?"

"Yeah sure." Thorn said, "I could really use some energy."

$~Deathbringer Fall~$~First Person~$

She agreed? Yes! This isn't a dream! She agreed! Glory Bright agreed to meet me! I smiled brightly. 

"Guess you can say I've got wings of fire." I said, showing my nonexistent muscles.

"Honey," Step-mom said, "In the nicest possible way, WHAT THE FUDGE."

"Oh, uh, Mom! You scared me!" I said, and smiled. I could already feel my cheeks turning pink.

"Dinner." She said.

"Uhm, yeah okay! Just a sec." She left and I rechecked my messages. She still hasn't declined the offer. Geez Deathbringer! She did it, no big deal. I ran off to eat dinner with my mother. 

"Here's the Mac and cheese." She said, passing me a plate of delicious Mac and cheese. Mmm... I could taste it already. I grabbed my fork and started to dig in.

557 words.

(DISCONTINUED)Wings of Fire as HumansWhere stories live. Discover now