??? Fall

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Guess who it is! And yes I'm using the last name. Also, enjoy the picture.

Fall walked up to the door, hesitatingly he knocked once, twice. 

"You're here, Fall, I've been thinking that you are suitable for... the job." He said Fall like it was a bitter taste of medicine, a disease that was forbidden to speak of.

"Yes sir," Fall said, "But my mother isn't going to be happy about this." 

"Oh your mother, eh? I'll send someone to deal with her." 

"Sir- please don't kill her." 

"Well, too late now. She might already be dead."

"What?" Fall felt his eyes fill with water. He didn't want his mother, out of everyone to be dead. He tried to hold his tears back, but they wouldn't stay. 

"Well, I might spare your mother if you do the job." He said.

"I'll do anything!" 

"Well, can you kill Rainfall?"


" And Blaze, or Walton?"

"But I-."

"Your mother will be in the dungeons, and we'll return her when you finish..."

"Yes, sir.


Clay Bull 

" I'm hungry!" Clay complained, his stomach growling and roaring

"You just ate?" Glory said, shaking a bit. Was that laughing or shivering? He couldn't tell. 

"Oh, we could go to Outclaw Pool!" Sunny suggested. Her suggestions were always smart. Starflight refused and called a taxi and left. Glory had to go to band practice, but she said she would meet up soon. Tsunami stayed because she didn't want her mother to make her stay inside for the rest of the day. 

When they got there, Thorn was breathing heavily.  

"Mom?" Sunny said, worry spreading across her face, "Wha- Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Beatle. Thanks for asking." She was drenched in sweat and smelled of sweet strawberries. But when Clay smelled again, her strawberry scent smelled bitter. 

" Ms. Solari? Are you sure? Why are you wet?" he asked, thinking of his order.

"I- Oh Clay, you noticed." Thorn said, with her back turned. 

"Clay's right, why are you wet?" Tsunami frowned. 

"Someone stole something without paying."

"Oookay? That's the definition of stealing?"

"No- They we're about to pay, and SIKE!"

"Mom? Did you get it?"

"Yes hon." Thorn sighed. 

She showed us a smushed cupcake with no sprinkles. "I was about to let her have it but... she was to slow to run faster."

"Who is it?" Clay asked.

"It was Fierceteeth. Well someone called her that." Thorn said, shrugging.

"Isn't that Starflight's half-sister?" Tsunami said.

"Oh... it is!" Sunny said, with an 'OMG why didn't I think of that' look.

" Can I have 2 hotdogs, with a salad and a pizza, please!" Clay said.

"Clay-" Tsunami slapped her forehead.

"Alright. Smolder! Can you make Clay's order?" Thorn yelled, while Smolder poked his head out.

(DISCONTINUED)Wings of Fire as HumansWhere stories live. Discover now