Chapter 9 - Two-Pair

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As they walked, the night quickly began to fall. It seemed like the sun was going down faster with each step they took, and it was now pitch black. Exhaustion hadn't yet plagued Lilah, and she followed Hisoka deeper into the heart of the forest. It seemed endless, but as he stopped in his tracks, she crashed into his back.

"Do try not to make much noise, my darling."

"Ah, I'm sorry," she answered sheepishly, watching him eye two people. "Hm...Look who it is."

She stepped closer to him, looking towards the direction his gaze lingered.

Before her stood none other than Leorio and Kurapika. Her heart thudded against her ribcage in fear, trying to maintain her composure. Hisoka turned his head in her direction, raising an eyebrow.

"Well?" He held his hand out, and she blinked as he encouraged her to take it. "Oh, uh," she placed her palm in his, still unsure of what he was doing. He smiled cockily at her and gripped it tightly.

"What are you- WOAH!"

He picked her up in his muscular arms and jumped down the cliff they were on, her scream of surprise catching him off guard. His hand covered her mouth with tenacity and quickly shut her up. "Too loud," he whispered.

She nodded with wide eyes as they fell, her heart's rapid acceleration intriguing his ear.

They landed softly on the grass, and he gently set her down. With trembling legs, she stood and took a deep breath. He met her glowing face with curiosity, and she eyed the distance they had just covered.

"That was pretty fun." She left him with a bright smile and eyed her surroundings cautiously. Stunned, his face turned a deep shade of crimson. He rubbed his face, the groan escaping his lips barely audible.

She stopped and saw Leorio and Kurapika approaching the nearest corner. Hisoka watched her walk around undetected and followed her. She took a seat under the tree, and he found a way to lean on it.

As their footsteps grew audible, she began regretting this decision. But, if there was a chance that he did wind up hurting them, she would interfere.


Leorio and Kurapika gasped as Hisoka towered against the tree.

They kept silent, and their eyes widened as they saw Lilah there, playing with her fingernails.

She looked up. "Oh, hey."

Better to play along with Hisoka's schemes for now. It was the safest option and would earn her his trust.  She'd be able to tell them it was all a trick in the end and get away unscathed.

"Lilah...I thought we could trust you."

"Sorry," she plainly said and leaned back and forth in her seated position. "This is more fun."

"What have you done to her, Hisoka?! Get her out of whatever brainwash you have her in, immediately!"

He chuckled lightly and bent his card in his fingers.

"It's my own choice," she answered, her eyes lifeless and emotionless.

"What a coincidence meeting you here," Hisoka began, making the two even more frustrated than they already were. He had completely avoided all their questions about Lilah.

"How fortunate," he ended. The woman stood up and walked beside him, pulling the card out of his hands. He attempted to grab it back, but she looked at him with a cocky smile. She tip-toed to the shell of his ear, pulling his shoulder down to get closer. "I'll let you have this card back if you take a point from them without harm being done," she whispered slowly, dragging out the words.

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