Chapter 12 - Contact

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Hisoka was frozen as her soft lips grazed his pale skin, and a fair amount of blush was on her cheek. He had no words and was stuck speechless as she pulled away. She grinned before backing up a bit, her eyes focused on his blank expression.

"Let's play again sometime. Maybe next time...Don't let me win."

With a curt bow, she left the room, Hisoka's eyes stuck in the same position she was standing in just a few seconds ago. He lightly touched his cheek, and then looked at his hand, a tint of pink on his fingertips. He laughed softly and ran a harsh hand through his hair.

She means nothing, absolutely nothing.

He snapped back into reality and sighed with a roll of his eyes. He didn't care about her. She was just another toy to play with for now. Once he got to fight her, it would all become clear. Hopefully, he'd get a match to toy with her a little, before absolutely destroying her in more than one way.

He grinned sadistically to himself and left the Billiards Room. He walked through the halls to his assigned sleeping quarter, letting out a small sigh.

Lilah raced back to her room and slammed the door behind her. She was out of breath with red streaked across her cheeks. She let out a heavy groan and knocked herself on the head.

"Oh now you've done it, you blithering fool."

She sprawled herself on the floor, rubbing her eyes wearily.

Her mind drifted to Hisoka's face in her trance, and a small smile crept its way onto her lips. She wasn't sure how to feel at the moment, but there was something about him, an urge that drew her in like prey to a not-known predator. She knew it was wrong, but her smile couldn't hide her growing feelings for him.

It felt like only five minutes of rest when heavy banging sounded on her door, and she jolted upright the best she could. The floor was not the smartest place to have chosen to sleep. She scrambled to her feet and raced to the door. With a slow click open, she peeked her head out, still half asleep.

"Hello?" She groggily said, meeting Killua and Gon's terrified gazes.

They shivered and their heads, trying to get the image of her morning face out of their heads.

"You look scarier than Hisoka in the morning, yeesh," Killua shuddered, making her choke on air.

She covered up her blush with a laugh and rubbed her eyes.

"What a compliment, thanks Kill."

He and Gon snickered, and then they turned to look behind them at the clock in the hallway.

"We have at least thirty minutes before the ship lands. Wanna come and grab some breakfast with us, DJ?"

"I would love to. Just let me change and I'll meet you in the dining hall."

They gave her a thumbs-up and waved goodbye. She smiled at the two as they left, and closed the door gently. Changing rapidly into a new outfit, she combed through her hair and added a touch of gloss to her soft lips. With a step out of the door, she made her way to the dining hall.

Catching a glance at her four friends standing a few meters away from her, a smile appeared on her face. She jogged over to them, waving and greeting them cheerfully.

"Good morning Lilah," Kurapika greeted her with a smile.

"Morning," she yawned back.

"Let's eat a lot today, so we have strength for the Final Phase today!" Gon pumped his fist in the air, and Killua followed, smiling cheekily.

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