Chapter 8 - Reunion

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Her eyes fluttered open lightly, and she rubbed her eyes sleepily. She didn't know what time it was, but it was definitely the next day. The birds were chirping, and the applicants were hunting.

Without a second thought, she slipped down from her position and landed on the soft grass. Lilah's back ached a bit from the uncomfortable branch she had slept on, but it didn't hinder her speed.

She stretched her arms and began the run to reach the largest tree on Zevil Island. She passed some people on the way, ignoring them entirely. She wasn't the fastest runner, especially in the Zoldyck family, but living with them had improved her technique. Assassins had to move quickly, after all.

It was only a matter of time before she finally reached her location. With a slow of her rapid pace, she approached the tree. In the middle of the field stood a man, badly injured. Illumi prepared to launch a pin into his face but pulled away as he begged for him to end his life quickly.

"Kill me! Kill me already, and give me the rightful way to die!"

Illumi sighed and turned around, a sneer on his lips. "You'll die by someone else. I'm finished here."

"Wait!" The man tried to chase after him, but Illumi just disappeared behind the tree he was leaning on. With a cough of blood, the man turned around and limped as fast as he could in the opposite direction. He was on the verge of death, so there was no point sparing him, or even getting rid of him. 

He was gone into the forest a few moments later, and Lilah stepped out into the daylight. She brushed off her overcoat and stepped into the grassy patch where Illumi stood.

"You're late."

He stepped out from the tree behind her, and she laughed awkwardly.

"Haha, sorry about that. I trained a bit before I faced you," she sheepishly rubbed the back of her head.

"Very good, so then you must know how to earn my badge," Illumi smiled crookedly.

"How could I not?"

He passively scoffed and looked down at her. In an instant, he froze and cocked his head towards her ear.

"Your hunter is here," he whispered and pulled away.

"They are? One moment," She faced the direction a light form of aura was coming from and noticed someone faintly in the distance. It was someone with a sniper gun, the deadly crosshair aimed right at her head.

"Was she targeting you, Illumi?"

"No. She's been lying in wait for you ever since I showed up. I would rather just kill her right now, but it'd be more fun to watch you do it."

"How did she know I'd be here?" Lilah tried not to face her, drawing suspicions away.

"She may have connections to the people who have seen us together, or she's been watching us in general. It's hard to tell."

"Well, should I kill her?" Lilah asked, still hesitant.

"Let's play a game, shall we? If you hit her square in the forehead with an ice dart, I'll give you my badge for free. If you don't, we spar for as long as I want to. You also have to show me your newest trinket. Sound fair?"

She cocked an eyebrow playfully. "You're on."

She summoned some of her aura, and turned it into a frozen dart, with the sharpest tip. With a swift point at him, he grinned. She smirked and took a breath, waiting for the perfect opportunity.

A few seconds passed, but she was lying in wait for that one sound.

The sniper couldn't hold her angle much longer and pulled the trigger to the gun. The bullet shot out, making its way slowly to Lilah's head, not losing course.

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