Chapter 9 - Disciples {Rewritten}

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Virion Eralith POV

You know those moments when you see something that completely blows your mind? That's me right now, watching this kid walk away. In my centuries of existence (and trust me, that's a lot of time to see stuff), I've never seen anything quite like this. We're talking about a four-year-old with a Dark Orange core - something that makes most adult elves look like they're still in training wheels.

But it wasn't just the power that caught my attention. This kid moved like... well, not like a kid at all. Every step was calculated, like he was playing chess with his own body. No openings, no weak spots - whether he was walking or just chilling in his chair, this kid was always ready. The way he carried himself screamed "veteran warrior" more than "preschooler."

I couldn't help but smile as I looked down at the notebook he'd tossed me. If even half of what's in here was legit, we could save a ton of our people. "These kids," I muttered, probably louder than I meant to, "they're going to be my disciples."

"Dad!" And there's my son, right on cue, looking like I'd just suggested we paint the castle hot pink. "You can't be serious!"

"Why not?" I shot back, feeling pretty smug about it. "Come on - they're interesting, they saved your daughter, and thanks to this little notebook, we might be able to save hundreds, maybe thousands of our people."

Alduin went straight for the tradition card. "But father, they're humans! We can't just ignore centuries of tradition!"

"Tradition?" I couldn't help but scoff. Some days I think my son forgets who helped write half those traditions. "Look, traditions are great and all, but when we're talking about saving lives? Yeah, that trumps your precious traditions. Plus," I added with a knowing smirk, "Tess clearly wants them to stay."

Alduin tried to argue, but I cut him off. "And let's talk about Arthur for a second. That kid's got some serious power brewing inside him, and if nobody helps him handle it, it's going to eat him alive. You really want your daughter's savior to go boom because we were too stuck up to help?"

That shut him up pretty quick. I watched him struggle with it for a moment before dropping the hammer.

"Look, son," I said, keeping my voice gentle but firm, "I get it. What happened to your mother in the war - it left scars. But these are kids we're talking about. They weren't even a twinkle in their parents' eyes when all that went down. And like our sassy little friend Rimuru said - humans aren't all bad guys twirling their mustaches and plotting evil. They've got their good and bad, just like us."

Alduin did this thing where he tries to look dignified while admitting defeat. "Fine, I'll make the announcement." Perhaps this incident would serve as a turning point, reshaping his perspective on humans and allowing him to see the potential goodness that exists within them.


As if responding to my call, a sense of magic filled the air, and two figures slowly materialized before me, their once hidden forms now revealed, like phantoms materializing from the ethereal plane, Aya and Alea, two of our kingdom's most skilled elves, stood before me, their serene yet watchful faces betraying their presence.

"Elder Virion," Aya addressed me with perfect formality, her posture straight as an arrow, "how may we be of service to you?"

"Elder Virion," Aya addressed me with perfect formality, her posture straight as an arrow, "how may we be of service to you?"

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