Chapter 30 - Adventure Plans

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Rimuru POV

As Arthur was about to release 'Static Void,' I saw him lose consciousness and start to fall to the ground. My heart dropped, and I immediately rushed over to him, my legs moving faster than they ever had before. I knelt by his side and caught him in my arms just before he hit the ground. The world around me seemed to fade away as I focused solely on his well-being. I carefully examined him, checking for any injuries and grateful to find none. My gaze then shifted to his face, and I couldn't help but curse myself inwardly. I had let my anger take over and let my younger brother deal with something that I should have handled. If it wasn't for Ciel's help, I wouldn't have known what to do.

I let out a sigh, 'Everyone's going be worried out of their mind once this is all over.' I felt a surge of guilt at the thought of having to make them worry.

I was jolted out of my thoughts when I suddenly heard a loud shriek and looked over to its source; Lily. She looks away from Sebastian's crippled body while covering Eleanor's eyes with her body. I inwardly breathed a sigh of relief. I was grateful, no one needed to witness such a sight. Especially at such a young age.

It took a few moments before everyone else in the room began moving, rushing over to us to make sure we were safe. I handed Arthur to my father, who looked at him with concern, while my mom had tears in her eyes as she caressed his face. Then she hugged me. Uncle Vincent looked at the King and his Royal Guards in disbelief.

"Phwez...*gasp*...*gasp*...helf...*gasp*" Sebastian, the dying ingrate mumbled while hyperventilating. The Queen quickly took charge, dishing out orders to her staff while the King remained in a state of shock.

As I watched, my anger began to build, and the room's temperature seemed to drop several degrees. I approached the King, and both he and the Queen looked at me with surprise, no doubt taken aback by my sudden change in demeanor. From the corner of my eye, I could also see that the ice Princess had changed her stoic face to one of surprise.

"The actions of your guard were unacceptable," I said with intensity, my voice laced with rage. "He attacked two children because of his own ego and ignorance. What kind of people are you allowing to serve you?"

I then continued, "We will accept nothing less than the immediate removal of these so-called 'Royal Guards' from service and the assurance that they are never reinstated again in any capacity of nobility or guard for the next hundred years." My anger seethed through my words, and I made sure the King understood the gravity of the situation.

The Queen appeared to grasp the severity of the situation and bowed her head, apologizing for their guard's actions. "Y-ye-yes... We're sorry for our guard's actions."

I waited for the King's response, and he looked at me with a mix of shock and fear before finally nodding his head in agreement. "W-we will also send you some gold as an apology, n-now if y-you'll excuse us..."

I nodded, satisfied with his response, but I couldn't help myself from adding one last threat. "You better pray that my brother wakes up and that he is okay. If anything happens to him, I will hold you personally responsible."

"Y-yes, of course. We understand the situation. We'll take proper measures and act to it accordingly." The Queen responded. They then hurriedly took their leave before I could say something else. Everyone in the room was left dumbfounded by what had just happened, their mouths agape, and an eerie silence lingered in the air.

"What?" I asked in an innocent voice and making my face as cute as possible; trying to dissipate some of the tension.

"Remind us never to make you annoyed." mother said and everyone nodded in agreement.

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