chapter 14 -D-DATE?! {Rewritten}

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Rimuru POV

Dressed in a simple olive-green long-sleeve and black pants, I stepped out of my room, anticipation coursing through my veins. Today was the day I would finally reunite with my parents in Xyrus. It wasn't originally part of my plans, but Sylvia had convinced me otherwise.

"You must visit them," she had urged, her eyes filled with empathy. "It's painful for you to be separated from your children, even if you know they are safe. Besides, it will help distract you from thoughts of war."

Unable to ignore Sylvia's persuasive words, I relayed my intentions to Gramps. He had made all the necessary arrangements, including preparing a chariot that would transport me to Valden, where I could utilize the teleportation gate to reach Xyrus.

As I made my way towards the palace's entrance, the maid servants handed me a tray of breakfast before bowing respectfully and taking their leave. I acknowledged their gestures with a nod of gratitude and continued towards the waiting group comprised of Art, Tess, and Gramps.

Once I descended the stairs and stood before them, Gramps spoke first, his voice carrying a mix of curiosity and concern. "Did you gather everything you need, Rimuru?"

With a casual shrug, I responded, "Yeah, though there's not much to take. I won't be able to wear elven clothes there, after all." While I did pack a few elven garments for their comfort, I didn't plan on wearing them outside our home.

As the conversation continued, Art chimed in, his voice brimming with warmth and affection. "Please convey my regards to our parents."

I nodded, allowing my hand to rest gently on Art's head, "Practice well and don't forget to play with Tessia whenever you get the chance."

As expected, Art playfully rolled his eyes and swatted my hand away, his annoyance evident. "You make it sound like you're leaving for an eternity instead of just two weeks. And stop treating me like a child, Rimuru."

Unable to resist, I couldn't help but tease him further, a playful smile playing on my lips. "But you'll always be my little brother."

Exasperated, Art retorted, "The age difference between us is only a few minutes!"

Chuckling softly, I raised my shoulders slightly in a shrug. "In the end, I'm the oldest."

Shifting my gaze to Tessia, I noticed her struggle to hold back tears, her vulnerability peeking through. I reached out, my voice filled with reassuring kindness. "Don't worry, I'll be back before you know it." She bit her lip, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears as she nodded in agreement.

As the time to part ways drew closer, I sighed softly, a mixture of enthusiasm and anticipation washing over me. "Alright then, I must take my leave now. But Gramps..." Narrowing my eyes at him, suspicion crept in, accompanied by a mischievous glint.

"Hmm? Is there something wrong, Rimuru?" he responded, his smile filled with an unspoken understanding.

A small tic mark formed on my forehead as I repressed the urge to playfully hit the cheeky old man. "How do you expect me to travel in this carriage? It'll definitely attract attention," I voiced my concern.

Gramps' smirk grew wider as he basked in my confusion. "Did you really think I'd let my esteemed disciple and savior of my granddaughter travel in an ordinary carriage? Fear not, I've taken care of that too."

Before I could further express my confusion, a sudden surge of excitement coursed through me, compelling me to leap forward. I infused mana into my ring, With a swift motion, I extracted a gleaming sword, its blade poised and ready.

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