Chapter 56 - The Young Mages

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Alfred POV

"Your blows are weak, your grip on your sword is unsteady, James," Kyle said as he watched his opponent's feeble attempts at combat. He shook his head, clearly unimpressed by the display. "You'll need to do better than that if you want to defeat me." Kyle tightened his own grip on his sword, preparing for the next round. "Now, let's try again. This time, focus on your stance and use your entire body to deliver more power in your strikes."

James took a deep breath, determination shining in his eyes as he adjusted his grip on the sword. His hands were trembling, but he wasn't about to give up. "Alright, Kyle. I'll give it another shot," he replied, his voice filled with determination.

Meanwhile, I shifted my attention to the other side of the bustling training grounds, where Kyla was surrounded by a group of eager Conjurer apprentices. They all huddled around her, soaking up every word as she explained the intricate secrets of their craft.

On the sidelines, Ethan and Sofia stood, their faces beaming with pride as they watched the twin siblings' progress. There was a palpable admiration in their eyes, knowing that they had played a significant role in shaping Kyle and Kyla into the formidable mages they had become.

"Look at them," a familiar voice came from behind me. I didn't even need to turn around because I recognized his voice immediately. He stood next to me, his shoulder-length green hair swaying in the breeze, his silver eyes scanning the scene before us. Victor, one of my old comrades from the war against humans.

"They've come a long way, haven't they?" he remarked, his voice tinged with nostalgia.

"It feels like only yesterday they were just starting their training, and now look at them, guiding the next generation of warriors and conjurers," Victor mused, a faint smile playing on his lips as his eyes fixed on Kyle and Kyla.

I chuckled softly, glancing at Victor out of the corner of my eye. "Indeed, they've come a long way," I replied, a hint of pride in my voice. "It seems like just yesterday we were teaching them the basics of swordplay and spellcasting. Now, they're passing on their knowledge to others."

Victor nodded, a wistful smile playing on his lips. "Time flies, doesn't it?"

"It certainly does," I replied, my gaze shifting back to the training grounds. "But I suppose that's the way of things. The next generation always surpasses the last, building upon the foundation we've laid."

Victor nodded in agreement. "Indeed, and it's a testament to your guidance as well, my friend. You've done a remarkable job training them."

"I didn't really do much, I just taught them the basics and the youth took care of it. And let's not forget the role they played in their own development." I said, shaking my head.

"Always the humble one, huh?" Victor chuckled, shaking his head. "You always underestimate your own impact, my friend. But I suppose that's just part of who you are."

I only smiled in response, as we stood there, watching the young mages in their flowing robes, a sense of pride swelled within me. They've come a long way since they first set foot in our town, that's for sure. Seeing them now, confident and skilled, brought back memories of my own training days.

I remembered the struggle of mastering spells, the thrill of nailing my first water ball, and the frustration when things didn't go according to plan. It was a journey full of ups and downs, but it shaped me into the mage I am today.

But amidst the pride, a shadow of concern loomed. These young ones, filled with hope and determination, were about to face a war unlike anything they had ever experienced before. And it tore at my heart. I had witnessed the horrors of war myself, having fought in the previous conflict between humans and elves. The devastation, the loss... it was something I never wanted them to experience.

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