Chapter 24 - Reunited families {Rewritten}

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Rimuru POV

Time flew by like crazy. Before we knew it, Arthur had made some serious progress. He finally managed to tap into his first phase, which was pretty awesome. Sure, he couldn't keep it up long enough to use in a fight yet, but hey, baby steps, right?

Gramps came through with a neat trick, teaching Arthur how to hide his beast will. Now other mages couldn't sniff him out, which was pretty handy. Plus, this whole assimilation thing let Arthur level up his mana crazy fast.

We all busted our butts training, especially with that deviant magic. Arthur even asked me to help him figure out his affinities, which I was totally down for. I'd reached the light yellow stage, while Arthur was in the light red, almost at dark orange. Not too shabby!

I shared some of my tricks with the gang - Alea, Aya, Gramps, and Tess all picked up 'Mana rotation' and 'Mirage Walk' from yours truly. Everyone got the hang of it eventually, even Arthur. Poor Tess struggled a bit, but she was getting there.

I spent a lot of time working with Alea and Aya, and man, did they get tough! Aya showed me some cool illusion magic, while I tried (and failed) to get plant magic from Alea.

Oh, and Sylvie? That little dragon was getting smarter by the day. She was chattering away in almost complete sentences now. Couldn't help but feel like a proud parent watching her grow up.

Before we knew it, our four months were almost up. We were all pumped to head to Sapin the next day, but King Alduin had other plans. He threw this fancy shindig the night before we left. Royals, nobles, even some nosy elven reporters were all gonna be there. It was one of those swanky affairs where you had to dress up all fancy-like.

I strolled into the party, my heart doing a little jig of excitement. The place was absolutely buzzing - the kind of energy you could practically taste. Music flowed through the air, mingling with the hum of a hundred conversations. The hall was decked out to the nines, with these massive chandeliers throwing off a soft, golden glow. They'd dimmed the lights just right, giving everything this warm, cozy vibe that made you want to sink right in.

In the corner, a jazz band was laying down some seriously smooth tunes. Their saxophonist was really feeling it, swaying with eyes closed as he played. Folks were nodding along, some even doing a little two-step as they chatted.

I spotted Gramps waving me over, his face lit up like a kid on Christmas morning. "Yo, Ri! Over here, kiddo!" he shouted, his voice barely carrying over the lively chatter. I weaved through the crowd, dodging a waiter with a tray full of fancy-looking snacks.

Alduin's eyes twinkled with genuine joy as he slid a drink my way. "Look who finally showed up," he said, his tone warm and welcoming. I could tell he was just as excited as Gramps, even if he was playing it cool.

I plopped down next to Gramps, who was nursing what looked like his second glass of wine. His cheeks were a bit flushed, whether from the alcohol or sheer happiness, I couldn't tell. "Thanks for the bash, guys," I said, trying to keep my voice steady despite the lump of emotion forming in my throat. "This is pretty sweet."

Alduin chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Don't mention it, Ri. It's the least we could do for our Savior and helper of our race."

Merial's expression was so full of fondness it made my heart ache a little. "You will always hold a special place in our hearts, Ri," she said softly, her words nearly drowned out by the swell of music. "And we will always be here for you whenever you need us."

Gramps nodded, his eyes brimming with pride and affection. "Indeed, Ri. You have come a long way since you first arrived here, and I do not doubt that you will continue to grow stronger and make us proud."

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