Recovery 3 (Four Swords)

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Three days after the last chapter

Shadow's pov:

My head was absolutely pounding. Like geez, can I not be unconscious for five minutes people! Can I not have to deal with the absolute physcopath named Vaati for five minutes! Five Fucking Minutes! I continued my internal rant until I realized something. I felt my hand on my head....... 'But... I was... chained.' I rubbed at my eyes to try and get blurriness out of them. I felt bandages on them but due to Vio constantly bandaged my hands and taking away my knives like a piece of shit, I was used to them. When I finally got the blurriness out of my eyes, I finally noticed that I was somewhere else. It was a dark room, put not pitch black. Just dark enough so a person can rest, but still see. It was fairly empty too, a chair by a small bookshelf, and the bed I was somehow on. I looked down at myself to see alot has changed too. Instead of my blood soaked and probably a complete and total mess of a tunic, I was in a simple white shirt. It was obviously made for someone else since it hung off me. Revealing that I was covered head to toe in bandages. 'It means either someone wants to keep me alive, or they don't understand that it's hard to kill a shadow.' I should know after all, I've tried multiple times.

I looked right next to me and I swear to Nayru, I had a heart attack. Right next to me was practically a pile! 'I honestly had no fucking clue that Links could be a pile.' Yet I am used to being alone in the dark world. But anyways back on topic. Red, Green, Blue, Vio, literally they're practically in a pile. How in Din's name they are? I have no idea and I think it should stay like that. Red and Green, based off of what I've seen about them..... I can't say I'm too surprised. Vio, I am surprised, he in my experience isn't much of a physical touch person. But Blue! How in Nayru's name did they get that hot-head hammer-swinging nut job in?! Let alone stay! 'Wait.... they might of dog piled him in..... or just had Red scare him in. He tends to somehow scare him.' Alright maybe I can see how they got Blue in, but how'd they get Vio in? 'Maybe he just acted differently because he's around me..... I am the enemy.' Yeah that's probably it. It's not like Vio actually liked my company in the first place..

Their Dad's pov: (still have no clue on how to say his name)

I walked in the room and was met with a surprise. Shadow was awake again, but instead of barely being conscious, was full conscious. And staring confused at the pile my sons' have made for reasons that elude me. 'Yep he's more awake then they are sometimes.' The few times I've looked at Shadow he looked sinister in a way, but now he's showing genuine confusion. 'Makes sense, we don't know how long he's been unconscious and waking up to a people you semi-know in a pile right beside you..... confusing to say the least.' "Shadow." I greeted him. I still stood wary of him, but in the state he's in, he shouldn't be able to harm anyone. Shadow finally noticed me as soon as I spoke and somehow almost flew off the bed despite his legs are broken. And I think he might have broken his neck...... that was pretty fast.

Shadow's pov:

I heard someone say my name and I swear to Din, I almost had another heartattack! If Vaati didn't take away my voice, I'd probably would have yelled every curse word I've ever knew in multiple languages too. I take great joy in cursing out someone's existence in dragon if you couldn't tell. 'Yeahhh maybe there's a reason Vaati took my voice.' I snapped my neck towards the voice and yeah.... I'm gonna die... finally. Their dad. The people I've tried to kill on multiple occasions dad is right there. 'Well shit.' To add the the death percentage, he's a knight..... annnnd I've done a lot of damage. Yep totally gonna die. Once again if I had my voice, I'd scream. But this time it would probably be about death. It took me a second to realize this but somehow I am now near the edge of the bed, and now my legs are killing me. 'Greeaaaat.'

Oh well not like it'll last long anyways. I'm here completely defenseless and there's a capitan of the guard right there, with a sword. The odds are not in my favor, especially since my energy is drained and running won't get me far, plus my powers are going to be just as effective as slapping someone with a feather if they work whatsoever. And before I'm going to know it, I'll be back in the dark world at Vaati's mercy. 'What can I say.... karama was bound to get me.' The Links' dad started walking towards me, probably to make the kill, stopping right beside the bed. 'Oh boy here it comes, more pain...' I braced trying to prepare for the blow, and shut my eyes. I've spent enough time watching blood flow from me. I'd prefer not to see it again for as long as I have to. That's when I felt a hand on my head. 'Excuse me but what the actual heck.....' It's fucking official, I've been broken! I'm imagining a hand on my head, instead of a sword through my skull!

Uh yeah... not a serious chapter ik. I've might of abused my muscles a bit and am lying here in pain. I felt semi motivated and had the time to write. And I remembered that I left anyone who reads this alone for awhile. So that's why this exists. Stay safe and hoped you liked the nonserious chapter that may be cut off.

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