One Huge Mind Game (Four Swords)

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I feel like writing some more depressing nonsense. So into the trash can we go-

3rd person's pov:

Vaati, Shadow, and one of the dragons were in the "throne room" of the place of winds. Shadow came to defend the dragon, due to a mistake that was made. Unfortunately, it escalated into something more.

Shadow's pov:

"It wasn't his fault!" My hands clenched into fists. I knew my eyes turned red by now. Vaati loomed about us, threatening us all. "Oh it wasn't now? Then do tell. What happened?" I saw a flash out of the corner of my eye. He's trying to discourage me, like I'd listen. "It was my fault! I miscalculated, that's what cause the problem." I felt a slight prick in my hands, my nails must have pierced my skin. Vaati flew closer, looking down on both of us with that blood red eye. "So it's your fault?" I could hear the cockiness in his voice. Normally I'd deny it, but my life isn't the one on the line. "Yes it was me." I announce staring directly at Vaati.

Vaati flew right down to our faces, a gust of wind followed him. Out of instinct I shielded my face with my arms. Only to freeze when I felt something splatter against my face. Panicking inside I look towards my friend. His head was decapitated from the rest of his body, blood pouring from his neck. I dropped by his side, pressing myself against him. "You.... you... k-k-killed him..." My shock too over everything else. I couldn't tear my eyes away from the blood pouring from the wound.

"No Shadow. You killed him."

3rd person's pov:

Shadow froze completely. Dread setting in his features, eyes flashing in between red and blue. "W-what?" Vaati flew as close as he possibly could, practically forcing Shadow to stare back at hi,. "You killed him. If you didn't make your mistake, well you're friend would still be right beside you." Shadow shakily got up, taking half a step back. "I-I.... b-but-" Vaati flew closer. "It's your fault." Shadow's eyes glistened with tears. "I-it's my fault?" A quiet and broken voice repeated. "Indeed, you killed him." Vaati said circling around Shadow. Shadow used his sleeve to wipe the tears streaming down his face. Taking a step back when he saw the blood on his sleeve.

Vaati took the moment of weakness. "You're covered in his blood. You killed him Shadow. You made the mistake. Otherwise he'd still be alive, none of this would have happened." He whispered practically into the shadow's ear. Shadow's breath came in fast as he stared at the blood on his hands, the blood of his friend. Breaking down crying, he hugged himself close. Squeezing his eyes shut, only to see his companions corspe flash through his mind.

Vaati smiled internally at the pain he caused. Wrapping his wing around the crying shadow. "You have to follow what you're told, no matter what. If it's from me or Gannon, you obey no matter what. Otherwise you'll forever be a shadow." He said using his flaws against him. Successfully wrapping Shadow around the horn of his wing.

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