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Everywhere I go, is a prison
My house is a prison
School is a prison
My mind is a prison

I can never be myself
I have too many facades, it's hard to keep track
Once I slip, I get punished immediately
It's hard to not slip
Because where ever I walk, it's a slippery
The surface is most slippery underneath my family

They want me to live a life they want me to live
And that's hard because everything they want me to be
Is the exact opposite of me,
I'm growing up in a world different from them
Things are changing and they just can't seem to accept it
They say they want the best for me
But in truth they don't want me to be a teenager of my generation

They don't want me to have friends
They don't say, but they imply it
They don't want me to do the things that I love
They don't even know that I write poetry
Cause if they knew, they'll beat the shit out of me

Home doesn't feel like home
Home feels like a prison
My mind is messed up
Because I don't know
the difference between home and a prison
I don't even know who I am
Because I lost count of the many personalities that I have

At home I'm different
At school I'm different
When I'm alone I'm different
When I'm trapped in my mind I'm different
Wherever I am, I'm different

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