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I had packed my bag so we could drive to Milton Keynes where my dad would sign his deal today. He would sign to be head sponsor of Red Bull racing and I had to attend as his plus one a my mother isn't pretty enough anymore after she turned 50 this year. My poor mother thought she found the man of her dreams but here we are... I looked at myself in the mirror one more time.

I had my hair in a beautiful bun with a few loose strands hugging the front of my face

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I had my hair in a beautiful bun with a few loose strands hugging the front of my face.



I grabbed my handbag and went downstairs. I found 4 of my siblings sitting on the couch as my father was standing in the hallway grumpily adjusting his suit. I walked up in front of him and adjusted his tie like I always do for him. He looked me up and down in my long blue dress and then huffed before walking outside. I sighed as I smiled softly at my mother trying to reassure us both even though it wasn't easy to do so. I climbed into the Lamborghini he had all customized and we were off to Milton Keynes. The ride was silent. He forbid us to turn on the music or start a conversation with him unless it was really needed.



"Could you inform me a little bit about this deal and the people there? So I could prepare myself for what I could do or say to make it right."

"Such a well mannered daughter. I'm lucky you're pretty."

He started talking about the deal and the people but I didn't really listen I just needed the awkward silence to end even for a few minutes.

"Thank you for telling me father."

There were now only 40 minutes left of the 2,5 hour drive. Yes he talked about the deal that long. When we arrived there he looked at me sternly.

"You know how I want this. Stay elegant, well read and most of all polite. One step out of place and you know where it will end!"

"Of course. Don't worry father, I'll be elegant, well read and polite while I look pretty by your side as your daughter."

He gave me a nod before we both climbed out. My heels tapped the concrete as we went into the building. It was an elder building and my inner designer wanted to change everything inside. We made our way to the celebration party where Christian Horner and my father would sign as well. We came in and first there were snapped some pictures and interviews were done. I had my fair share of interviews as well. I was handed a glass of champagne by my dad and he looked at me knowing damn well... I do not drink.

"Just hold it."

I gave him a silent nod and a fake smile as I made my way around the room talking with Red Bull employees. Everyone was actually nice... like very nice but genuine. I met some people who I talked with for almost the whole evening and I had fun for the first time.

"Who did you guys tackle in a conversation!"

An Australian accent said behind me. I made place for me to look at the guy and I saw the brightest smile and brown curly hair on a guy.

"Wow hello pretty girl. I'm Daniel Ricardo."

"Opheline Harrington but call me Neah... nice to meet you."

"Likewise Neah. I love that name it's really cute."

"Thank you."

"Are you gonna drink that?"

"Mmh? Oh no... do you want it?"

"Well since your asking."

I handed the glass to the woman in front of me as she easily drank it. Too easily for my liking. The hours went by when I heard my father's voice behind me.

"Opheline. Now!"

"I'm coming."

I excused myself from the conversation to follow my father out of the event hall and into a media room. Microphones, chairs and a few tables filled the room as people of the media had already found their seats. I saw Christian with 2 other guys. A dark blonde guy with blue eyes and a dark brown guy with brown eyes. The 3 of them looked at my father and me as I politely smiled at them just like my father had asked me. I sat down on the other end next to my father as he smiled at me gently to let me know I was doing like he expected me to. I answered the questions that were aimed at me and when we were done it was time to go for dinner. My father had booked a restaurant for Christian, Geri and the two of us. We sat down at our table in the back and I pushed a few strands of hair behind my ear as I looked around.

"Your so lucky with such an intelligent and beautiful daughter Henry."

"Thank you Geri. She's very worthy to me. She's helpful at home and in the business."

I smiled at Geri sweetly before a waiter came up to take our drinks. This dinner would probably be boring like always but well... it will be over sometime right? I sighed and took a sip from my drink after it arrived before I mixed myself into the conversation my father had already build. Christian asked me about the master degree I had finished.

"You have your master already right?"

"I do. I graduated last year."

"That's impressive... you're quite young aren't you?"

"I'm currently 20."

"That is young for a master. You should be proud of that kid."

"I am very proud of it thank you Christian."

"What degree did you get your master in?"

I looked to my father as I knew how much he despises my degree. He thinks I should have just staid with designing instead of the degree I wanted. I just for once did something against him.

"My master degree is in engineering. I've another bachelor degree in designing which I use at my fathers company."

"Engineering? Wouldn't you want to do something with that? You could make big money with it. Look at our team for an example."

"It's a beautiful job and all but I'm okay where I'm at right now."

"Well let me know whenever you change your mind. Someone like you is welcome at our team any time."

"Thank you Christian."

(1084 words)

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