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I just brought Mailo to bed and tucked him in nicely. When I closed the door I saw Max bringing some of the dishes to the sink and grabbing a towel while he let warm water run into the sink. My dish washer had been broken for weeks and I still had to get it fixed. I walked to kitchen and grabbed the towel that hung over his shoulder. He looked at me and smiled.

"Thanks for being such a good dad for Mailo."

"Thanks for letting me be in Mailo's life. I would have understood if you didn't want me to be there for you guys."

We both staid silent as the only sound was the water splashing against the dishes as Max started cleaning them and then handed them to me so I could dry them. When I finished drying the last plate we started putting everything back in the cabinets and I cleaned the counter as well as the table where Mailo had made a little mess. When I was done I went to take a shower. I let my wet hair hang in a the messiest but most comfortable bun on my head as I wore a pair of shorts and a hoodie. I walked to the living room and didn't see Max but I saw the door of Mailo's room was open. I peaked inside and saw Max sitting on the ground next to Mailo's bed. He was gently stroking Mailo's head as he was softly talking to him.

"It was just a bad dream my prince..."

"I'm scared dad..."

"Your my little man... I'll protect you whether mommy and I are apart or together. You have nothing to be scared of okay? Daddy will protect you Mailo... always."


"Always... try and get some sleep okay? Or you'll be all tired for school tomorrow morning and that would be a shame right?"


"Sleep well my prince..."

"Good night papa."

Max stood up carefully after giving him a kiss. He  turned around and walked to the door he spotted me and smiled softly.

"dulces sueños hijo."

"buenas noches mama."

Max closed the door behind him as we were back to standing close to each other. There wasn't even 10 centimeters between our chests.

"He uhm had a bad dream..."

"You did well..."

"You were listening?"

"A little bit..."

"How much did you uhm hear?"

"Around that you would protect him if we were together or apart..."

"Oh good."

"Why? Said something I'm not supposed to know?"

"No. Just uhm... nevermind."

He did say something to Mailo I can't know I could see it in his eyes he was holding back something. He both hadn't moved yet but well... I kind of liked being this close to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly hugging him. Max his arms came around my waist tightly only a few seconds later. It felt good to hug him. I was standing on my tippy toes as I let out a sigh of relief as I felt Max snuggle his head into the crouch of my neck.

"Your the best dad he could have wished for."

"I'm trying..."

"Well you're doing a good job. He's really excited to spend time with you and take you to school to show you off to the other kids."

"I'm not totally sure I can be there but I think I'll find the space to have the morning off for that day only."

"Otherwise I'll call Christian and say it'll make Mailo sad. Christian loves Mailo."


"Yea. He gave him a Red Bull car as a crib. It's at my parents house for whenever we would be there but now he has a big guy bed so he doesn't sleep in it anymore."

We were still hugging as we whispered to each other scared to break our moment.



"You know you don't have to thank me as much as you do right?"

"I know... but it feels right."

He chuckled softly and the sound vibrated against my skin which made me notice his head was a little higher then I had noticed before and his lips touched my skin. The thought made me grow warm inside. What is wrong with me! I shouldn't be getting all warm inside because of a pair of lips against my skin. Especially his lips... I can't help it though. It's not like I can turn it off or something! God what do I do? I don't want to like Max. I'm scared that he'll only want to be with me because of Mailo and is pretending. After a moment or two we let go of each other and he kissed my forehead before walking to the kitchen like he didn't just kiss my forehead.

"Do you want a drink?"

"Some water please."

"Water? Coming right up."

I sat down on my couch and pulled a fluffy blanket over my legs. I was snuggled up in the corner of my L shaped couch as I turned on the tv. Max handed me a glass of water as he sat down on the couch as well. He was holding a second glass of water which he took a sip of.

"What are we watching?"

"The news."

"The news?"

"Yea... stay up to date Verstappen."

"Don't need the news for that Harrington."

I rolled my eyes with a tiny smile on my lips before the news started playing off. We watched in silence and after 30 minutes it was finished. I got up from the couch and placed away my blanket. I grabbed a duvet and a pillow for Max on the couch and smile d softly at him.

"Good night Max."

"Sleep well Neah..."

I gave him a last smile before closing the door of my room and flicking off the lights. I climbed underneath my duvet as I turned a little bit to find the right way to sleep. When I found it I sighed out of content and closed my eyes for a good night rest before a hectic day.

(1021 words)

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