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It's been 4 days since I've been in England with Neah and Mailo. I noticed Neah her behavior changed towards me and she slowly but certainly aloud me back into her thoughts but maybe... I'll get her after all. I woke up late this morning and had to rush to get ready in time to go to Mailo's school. I quickly pulled on my jeans and Red Bull hoodie and tied my shoes after doing my hair and brushing my teeth. I got inside the car and quickly drove to the school. I parked my car and walked inside as I saw Neah walking down the hallway. She looked on point like always as she looked a little pissed.

 She looked on point like always as she looked a little pissed

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Her long coat was still hanging open as she walked towards me.

"Where the hell were you?! You're late!"

"I'm sorry! Traffic was bad."

"Don't lie to me! You were sleeping weren't you?!"


She slapped the back of my head as we walked side by side to Mailo's class room. When we arrived there were multiple parents there we were by far one of the youngest couples. Some of the dads looked at me with a little bit of shock. We didn't openly reveal that I was Mailo's dad yet but we would do it soon.


"Hello little guy."

Mailo came running towards me and I picked him up in my arms as he hugged me. When I placed him down he pulled me with him to show his little desk and some other things. Neah stood against the wall talking to some of the other mother's who were eyeing me. Neah didn't look at me but I did look at her. I heard one of the woman say something to Neah which made her turn her head and look at me.

"I've never seen a man look so sweetly at a woman. Are you sure you guys are not a thing?"

We smiled at each other softly but Neah didn't answer that question before Mailo's teacher miss Williams spoke up. The morning went by faster then expected and before I knew it all parents walked through the hallways to go to work or home or wherever they needed to be. Neah was talking to some of the parents again. I walked towards her and laid my hand on her lower back grabbing her attention.

"I'll be at the factory for a few hours but I'll be done early. Is it okay if I pick up Mailo and take him out for a fun afternoon?"

"Yea of course. I'll see you two at home then."

"See you at home."

I smiled at her before saying bye to the other parents. I walked to my car and got in to get to the factory. I had started my engine and was about to drive away when a woman knocked on my window. I recognized her as one of mothers Neah had talked to earlier.


"Hai I'm Kim. I want to help you with Neah."


"Well you obviously like her so? Why not get help from one of her friends?"

"Oh uhm... right."

"Take her and Mailo out. You know that sushi place close to their house?"

"Yea I saw it once."

"That's the place you want to be. She loves it."

"Okay... thanks?"

She winked at me before walking off. I closed my window and for some reason I found myself a little shocked. I shook the weird feeling off my shoulders before I started my drive to the factory.

The traffic around London had been horrible! Mailo was sitting in my car while he was telling me a story about how he build a sand castle on their break today. He was a patient kid and didn't really complain luckily. It was already 20PM by now and we hadn't even eaten yet. Luckily it was Friday today. I had taken him to Gillingham a small place just outside of London where we had spend the afternoon doing all kind of things. After driving for 4 hours I finally parked the car at the apartment.

"I'm sorry it took so long buddy. We'll get inside and eat before bathing you and bringing you to bed alright?"

"That's okay dad. Thank you."

We walked into the house and the first thing I realized was that I hadn't looked on my phone while driving nor did I let Neah know we were stuck in traffic. I spotted Neah on the couch. There was a series playing but she had fallen asleep so Netflix had placed the "are you still watching?" Notification on. I told Mailo to be quiet for his mom and I brought her to her bed carefully. I closed the door and told him he should be a little more careful then normally so he wouldn't wake up his mom. I walked to the kitchen and found 2 plates wrapped in foil so they could be heated. After I did so Mailo and I ate together. For the first time I bathed him and helped him get dressed afterwards. I placed him in bed and closed the door. They both were fast asleep now but after a while the door opened of Neah's room. She looked at me and smiled softly.

"Mailo is sleeping I assume?"

"He is. I bathed him after we ate and he's now sleeping for an hour or so."

"How late did you come back?"

She sat down next to me on the couch as she looked so tired... like she was out of energy kinda tired. She made herself comfortable pulling a fluffy blanket over her legs.

"20 o'clock we parked the car and in a little more then an hour I placed him into bed."

"After you carried me to bed... for the second time this week..."

Her voice was a soft whisper as she stared at the tv in front of her which was turned off.

"Yeah I did... I didn't want to disturb you... you looked peaceful sleeping so I wanted to let you sleep for a little more."

"Thanks... I appreciate that."

I gave her a soft smile as she found my eyes. She turned on the tv and watched the news. When it was finished it was 22 o'clock. She turned off the tv and for the first time in 5 years... she kissed my cheek gently.

"Good night Max."

"Sleep well Neah..."

She walked to her room and gave me a gentle smile before closing the door behind her. I was starting to get there... caring for Mailo and her was the way to get what I want... I just need to be patient and caring.

(1122 words)

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