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For gods sake why did my Dutch directness have to come out again. I just told the most beautiful girl I want to kiss her. How stupid can you be Max! I looked to my side to see her side profile that was enjoying the gentle weather out here.

"You're tall for a girl..."

"1.74... heels did a little magic as well. They're like 8 centimeters so that makes me... 1.82 I guess..."

"Still a little bit shorter then I am."


"Yep. I'm 1.86"

"That's a good height though."

"It is?"

"Isn't it?"

She asked my question back in other words which made me smile a little more. Her lips contained only a tiny curl that would be a smile but it was enough to show me her dimples. I sighed gently which caught her attention.

"Deep sigh?"


"What for?"

"The fact that I've never seen someone so beautiful and yet so... polite? Gentle? I can't even describe it. Your just not stuck up like most girls are that are rich."

"Well I'm not rich... my father is."

"So you're rich."

"No there's a difference. My father has the money and he buys me stuff which I'm grateful for. I do things to earn it... I wouldn't get stuff from him if I would be some stuck up brat that thinks she needs everything new and custom made. I actually enjoy thrift shopping... there are beautiful pieces sometimes."

"Second hand clothing?"

"Yea... I get a lot of new clothes from my parents but sometimes... I enjoy that. I don't have the space to keep it so I'll just buy a tons of cute or nice clothing and I'll go around downtown parts and search for people with that size who would like to have it. Not everybody has the money to buy things... so at least once a month I try to do something helpful for them. Even if it is bringing food to one single house hold... anything."

"Your really something else."

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

"Good... your just your own person. Your head isn't stuck in your ass. I appreciate that. These days you can't find that a lot anymore and I think it will only get worse by the time."


"Just telling a fact."

We remained silent for a little longer as I looked at her. Trying to map every detail of her into my mind so I would remember her as sharp as possible. We were drawn from our peaceful moment when her phone started ringing. She looked at the caller ID and took some steps away from me before taking the call and bringing the phone to her ear. Her mouth moved but she was standing a little too far for me to catch her voice and her mouth was turned to a side angle so I couldn't see which words her lips formed. After a while she took her steps back.

"I think we should head back... my father called me asking me where I went. I told him I'm at the restroom so we need to hurry."

"Right let's go before he finds out."

I was about to turn but first grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer to me. Her body crashed into mine and I moved my hand from her wrist around her so my hand would rest on her lower back as I kissed her lips. She tasted and smelled like... apples? Those pink/red sweet apples. I bit her bottom lip gently making her gasp and giving me access inside her mouth. Our tongues met each other and a few moments later we both pulled back.

"I couldn't leave without that kiss... I'm sorry."

"No it's okay."

She smiled at me while a soft pink shade krept onto her soft cheeks. I opened the door for her and helped her into the car with her beautiful black dress that was hugging her body in every curve perfectly. I closed her door and then walked around the car to get in myself. I started the engine and drove us back to the parking lot of the event. I quickly climbed out and ran around the car to open her door and I was just a little faster then Neah. I held my hand out for her as she took it from me. I helped her out and then closed the door behind her. We walked to the elevator and went to the right floor. The elevator ride was silent as she looked at the levels as we went up. I was looking at her side profile.

"You know I can feel that you're looking right?"

"Yeah... I figured."

As her pastel green eyes found mine she smiled softly. Her chocolate brown hair still perfectly tight in her bun. She's really beautiful.

"Do you have a boyfriend? I should have asked that before I kissed you but well."

"No I don't have a boyfriend."

"Really? How?"

"Because my father doesn't approve of my type of guy. He wants me to marry some CEO or someone that has a high ranking in our company. Like Alesandro... my fathers right hand."

"But you don't like him do you?"

"Oh god not even the slightest. I would rather kiss a garbage can. I'm not even joking."

A laugh escaped my mouth and I saw Neah starting to laugh a little as well. The elevator door opened and we both walked out.

"I'll wait here for a few minutes. You go ahead and find your father."

"Sounds good. Thank you for showing me that view... I loved it."

"No problem beautiful."

She smiled at me as she turned and walked into the big event hall. As she opened the door the loud sound of people chatting and laughing came into my ears and when the door closed again the sound disappeared again. I waited a few minutes before re-entering myself. Nobody had seemed to notice my missing luckily. I found my way around the big room to Daniel and Sergio who had just sat down at the table. I was sat beside Daniel and on my other side Christian. Next to Christian was Henry, Neah her father, of course Neah sat next to her father and next to Sergio. I smiled at her gently and she softly returned it before turning her face back to her father who was talking to her.

(1079 words)

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