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It had been the most dreamy 5 days of my life these past few days. Max treated me like a fucking princess. We would go out for dinner every night at a new place. From fancy to casual anything. He would make sure no paparazzi was there or people knew who we were. After dinner we would go to either my hotel room or his apartment and well... have an intimate evening together. My father had texted me yesterday saying I needed to come back tonight. I didn't want this to end yet... but my dad wants me to come back so I don't have the choice to go stay here. I need to go. Last night Max had a dinner party with friends so we said goodbye early. I had showered and took my time to pack before going to Max his apartment. He had given me the extra key for the days I would be here. I opened the apartment door after knocking without a reaction. When I came in I saw Max laying passed out on the floor in the middle of the living room. I walked up to him and gently shook him a little bit.


He opened his eyes slowly as he quickly squinted them closed and groaned rubbing his face.

"What happened?"

"I drank too much."



"You promised you wouldn't drink anymore."

"Yeah well sometimes you break a promise that's how this world works Nee."

"Your the only one who knows why I hate drinking and why I would never date anyone who drinks... but still you choose to do so?!"

"Your leaving today Neah! We didn't date we were just 2 people who needed a few days of fun."

"That's all it was to you? A few days of fun?"

"No Neah that wasn't what I meant-"

"Spare me the explaination Max. Here's your key. I wish I wouldn't have to see you again but unfortunately I'll have too."

I threw his key on the ground next to him as he looked at my face. I was so mad! I stormed out of the apartment as he yelled my name. I slammed the door closed behind me and went to my hotel. I checked out early and took a cab to the airport. I rescheduled my flight for in 2 hours and went through all the securities to keep me busy. When I sat down at the right gate my mind started wondering again. Was I wrong to be this mad? I mean we weren't dating but... we had promised each other multiple times that he would quit drinking forever and I would quit smoking forever. No I had every right to be mad! It was a promise and we said we would be like a couple! Yes Neah! You have every right to be angry ...but do I really? God why did you agree on this you stupid girl. Eventually it will show. We will probably have some tension that will be seeable from miles away or a word that will slip out the wrong way. Then I'll be fucked because of my damn father but for now... I can't let him notice I need to keep myself strong!


It's been some time since I had my period after Monaco and a few weeks later I found out I'm pregnant. I remember knowing it would be Max's child as well. He's the only one I had touched in 2 years and well... we did it without protection as well. I had to admit it to my father and mother. My mother took it well and comforted me. My father was furious. He banned me from any events there was even the slightest possibility of him coming for the next 5 years. It was for the better. He told me I couldn't tell anyone about the father even if they guessed it was Max's. My father said it would could give a strong view of me as a person if I raised my baby alone with the help of my parents but to be honest... I wanted to move out as soon as possible so my father couldn't touch my baby without me knowing. Without him hurting him or her. My baby belly had started to show a while ago and together with my mother we went to the doctor to check up on him. Max had tried to contact me a few times asking if the baby was his but I had only respond with no it isn't. It's somebody else's. It wasn't but I had to say something to get him off my back. I was laying on the bed of the hospital about to find out the gender of my baby. I held my mothers hand hoping for a healthy baby for a starter. The doctor smiled at me as she turned her head from the screen.

"The baby looks very healthy. Your doing amazing. Do you want to know the gender know?"

"Yes please."

"Well... you'll have a baby boy."


I felt my voice crack before a few tears rolled down my cheeks. I will have a baby boy! OMG! I WIL HAVE A BABY BOY AND I'LL BE A MOMMY TO A LIVING CHILD THAT I'LL HAVE TOO POOP OUT! I looked at my mother who smiled happily at me and hugged me. We gathered our things and went home after talking to the doctor for a little longer about all kinds of information from the next appointment to how to know if you have all the right stuff and everything. When we came home my father smiled at me warmly. He had suddenly stopped marching me around and hurting me when he found out I was pregnant. He was the man I used to know... not completely of course but the start was there. He was sweet again. He treated me like his little girl again. I wasn't truly trusting him completely but our bond got better and I had joined him for some events and meetings till a few weeks ago. I was starting to get more pregnancy ticks and it was better if I would stay at home and work and relax a little. I didn't expect him to be this excited about my little boy...

(1061 words)

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