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My voice echoed through my apartment as I was patiently waiting for Mailo to come out of his room. When he finally came I placed on his shoes and helped him with his jacket. We would go pick up Max from the airport. We had talked about everything that had happened between us and how we wanted things for Mailo. We decided that whenever Max is at the factory he would stay at my place so he could spend more time with Mailo . It's about 2 hours of a drive from here to Milton Keynes but Max was the one saying he didn't mind it. He is also the one who had to drive it so I said okay. He would sleep on my couch the days he was here because I didn't have an extra room for him to sleep. My office was only big enough to fit my washer and dryer as well as a small desk against the window. We went to my car and got in. I buckled Mailo in behind me and then started the drive to the airport.

"Are you excited to see your dad?"

"Yes! I missed him!"

I laughed softly at Mailo before refocusing on the road. Max and Mailo had grown really close over the time between now and Bahrein. It was the weekend between the United States and the Azerbaijan race right now and Mailo had been excited all week to see his dad again. He started referring to Max as dad or papa since this week too and even though it sounded a little weird to me I started to get used to it now. I was curious what Max would think of it or how he would react. After we arrived at the airport we went to the arrivel hall and waited at the right door. I was kneeling down as Mailo was impatiently waiting between my legs for Max. When the doors started opening people started streaming out and after a few minutes Max walked out.


Mailo had yelled it loudly and Max raised his eyebrows before smiling so widely I didn't even know he could smile like that. He stopped and kneeled down to catch Mailo his big hug. He stood up straight again while Mailo hung around his neck hugging him tightly. Max his arms tightly around Mailo as well.

"Hello my prince."

He placed a kiss on Mailo his cheek and I smiled at the sight of them. I felt a weird sensation in my stomach but quickly pushed it away as they came my way while Mailo was now sitting on Max his arms and still holding on to his father. With the other hand Max pulled his suitcase. I took the suitcase from him and he thanked me with a smile now supporting Mailo his bum with both hands. Mailo was happily talking to Max about school and all kind of stuff. I decided to enroll him in a public school where he could also socialize better it would him. Whenever we were in England he would go to school whenever we would travel he got his school work with him to still learn everyday a little bit. He was a smart cookie so he didn't really need any special help like some children his age.


"Yes Mailo?"

"There is gonna be a take your parents to school day and you can take both parents but one of your parents has to tell about their jobs and show up in their work clothes... could you do that? Mommy has a boring job. Your job is cool to talk about!"

"Thank you hijo."

"Your mom works really hard and has a job that is much more needed then mine but if you want me to come and speak I'll try okay?"

"Thank you!"

We arrived at the car and Max buckled him into his little seat. I opened the trunk and was about to pick up Max his suitcase before he laid a hand on my lower back.

"Let me get that Neah."


He laid it in the trunk and we were standing so close to each other we both started breathing a little heavier and stared into each other's eyes.

"Come on daddy kiss mommy or I'll kiss mommy!"

"Mailo! Don't you have a girlfriend you wanted to tell dad about?"

"Mommy! You spoiled our secret."

"Mommy's and daddy's don't have secrets about their children for each other."

Okay that was a lie but he didn't need to know that. I moved away from Max who just stared at me as I walked to get in the car he cleared his throat and closed the trunk of my Range Rover and climbed into the passenger seat next to me. The ride was silent with only Mailo singing to some kids songs I was playing via CarPlay. When we arrived at the apartment it was time for me to start making dinner. Mailo wanted to eat fries and nuggies like always but I made some broccoli with rice and chicken. Mailo wasn't a picky eater luckily so it was easy to feed him anything. Max and Mailo were playing when I finished dinner. I walked to the dinning table and stepped on a piece of Lego.

"Ouch! Mailo! Didn't I tell you something about Lego blocks not being allowed by the kitchen?"

"Sorry mama! I'll come get it."

"Thank you hijo."

He came running towards the kitchen and picked the single piece of Lego up and then placed it by the rest of the Lego. I placed the plates on the table and then grabbed Mailo's plate as last as. I placed it at the table and then we all sat down. Dinner was almost boring as it didn't feel weird anymore to talk to Max about anything. In fact... I kind of felt comfortable and safe around him. Mailo was taking so long about eating and was being very picky for some reason today.

"But mommy you gave me too much!"

"That's your normal portion Mailo."

"You have to it so you can be a tall boy later and pull all the chicks."

"Seriously Max? Pull all the chicks... he's 4."

"Better start early."

I rolled my eyes at Max before I looked to my side seeing Mailo eating his food like he wasn't just complaining a few seconds ago.

"Oh come on do you really believe that?"

"Yes! I want to be like daddy when I'm big!"

Ouch. That kind of stung.

"Like daddy?"

"Yes! Because if I'll be like daddy I can marry you mommy!"

Or it did not sting. He's so cute. I giggled softly as I placed a kiss on his cheek.

"You'll get to marry me no matter how big or small you are Mailo."

"Not if I'm first..."

Max his words were so soft I almost thought I imagined it but when I looked at him he was already staring at me. I looked away again gathering some stuff and walking to the open kitchen that also overlooked the living room and dinning table.

(1199 words)

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