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I was walking through Monaco. I wore my dress and sneakers as I was talking to Reena. We were heading to the club for a night out and I was kind of excited because it's been a while since I went out. My father flew back home this afternoon and said I could stay a few more days as a little get away. Reena and I arrived at the club and after getting in we got our drinks. Reena did drink alcohol but I didn't so we got different things to drink. I was standing with my back to the dance floor as I felt a hand on my lower back. The hand felt familiar and warm and as I turned my hand I looked into a familiar pair of blue eyes that were connected to blonde hair and a smile I had seen before... lips that have felt mine and had made me feel butterflies. I smiled at the Dutch man in front of me.


I screamed over the loud music as he mouthed a hello back. He brought his mouth closer to my ear so I could hear him more clearly.

"I thought you flew out this afternoon?"

"My father did! I'm staying for a while. Don't know when I'm going back but I'm gonna stay as long as I can!"

"You better stay as long as you can! I want to spent some time with you. You're cute and fun! There's no better combination!"

"I'm taking that compliment!"

We both laughed softly before I felt a tap on my shoulder from Reena.

"Who's this?"

"Oh sorry! Reena this is Max! Max this is Reena!"

"Nice to meet you!"


We talked for a bit longer before Reena got pulled to the dance floor by a random guy and knowing Reena... she's gonna fuck him till she drops dead. I laughed as she walked away. Max and I were still sitting on the bar chairs and talking and laughing. A hand on my upper arm made me turn my head and I looked into a pair of brown eyes that belonged to a brown haired guy.

"Hey beautiful! Are you up for a dance?"

"No thanks I'm good!"

"Ah come on! Let's get that ass shaking!"

He was about to grab my hand but Max grabbed his wrist. They looked at each other and I saw fire in Max his eyes. He was not happy.

"You don't touch a woman without permission! Especially when she said she didn't want to dance. Respect the ladies mate!"

"Oh come on it was harmless."

"Harmless or not you don't!"

"I get it! You want to keep her fine ass... and titties for yourself. I would do that too if I were to have a chance of being the one who she would fuck later this night!"

"Talk respectfully about someone! Didn't your mommy teach you that?"

The other guy tried to hit Max but my voice echoed between them making them stop. My voice had been earlier to speak up then my brain had noticed and it staid silent for a little.

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