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Hugging Mailo had to be at the top of the list of things I would forever remember. Most fathers saw their kids at birth but I saw mine for the first time when he was 4 years old. Here I was sitting at the table in front of Neah and next to her Mailo. The three of us eating lunch after my meetings were done just like hers. We were silently eating while we sometimes exchanged words with Mailo. He was hesitant about talking to me probably because Neah was a little hesitant as well. After a while Henry came by and kissed Neah on top of her head and kissed Mailo his head as well.

"Oh hey dad."

Neah smiled at him genuinely I could see it because she would get small little wrinkles by her eyes when she had a real smile.

"Grandpa! Look I've got chicken nuggets!"

"Mmm they must be delicious aren't they?"

"I love nuggies!"

"Come on my little guy. We're gonna go see the car okay?"


Henry took Mailo with him placing the little man on his hip after he pecked Neah's lips gently.

"Bye mama!"

"Bye hijo."

She watched till they disappeared around the corner and it was just the two of us sitting at the table. She was placing her next bite of pasta on her fork as I stared at her.

"Why did Mailo ask if I was gonna hurt you? When we first saw each other in the hallway?"

"It's nothing too special. Just something that happened a few months ago."

"It didn't sound like nothing. Come on Neah talk to me please... you know I'll keep it to myself."

"It's Opheline and no I won't talk with you. You broke a promise and after 5 years you have no right to act like you care about me."

"You were the one breaking contact."

"Because it was for the best. If you would have known I was pregnant with your child you would probably want to make it work for Mailo. That we would be together for Mailo but that's not what I want. I want someone to love me for me not because I gave birth to his child."

"You know... the day you found me drunk in my apartment and then left... I broke a lot of things. I had to let the frustration out that you would left me behind just like that. I actually felt like you broke my heart. It didn't only hurt you to leave you know. It had an impact on me too."

"Yeah but still you were the one to break the promise."

"Oh come on like you haven't touched a cigarette ever since."

"Actually I haven't touched a cigarette Max! When I came back from Monaco it took me a few weeks to find out I was pregnant... pregnancy and smoking is a no go so in those 9 months I didn't smoke. Afterwards I didn't touch a cigarette as well because I want to be a Good role model for my son. Was the temptation there? Yes but I didn't crave in."

"You know I would change my decision if I could... I really would."

"Just because I was pregnant?"

"No! Because I love you! Now you have it... it's out and everyone here heard it."

"You don't love me Max... you think you love me but you don't."

"I do love you. I've tried dating woman in the past years but I always compared them to you and none of them was the same or close enough to the same to replace you... I want to be there for Mailo.... But I would rather be there for you to help you, to care for you and love you like you love Mailo."

She let out a sigh as her fork just went through the pasta a few times. Her eyes down on her plate. She swallowed before her mouth opened and closed as she was hesitating to say something.

"A few months ago I was walking outside with Mailo. It was already late around 22:30. We had just had dinner with a friend of mine and we're walking back to the car to go back to my apartment in London. As we were walking he said Hello to a random man and he waved. Mailo is that... well was that kind of kid. The man said hi back and waved before he looked at me. He asked if I was his mother and Mailo had started talking to him a little before the man grabbed me and started touching me. He held a hard grip on me as Mailo just stood there and looked... I can't blame him... he didn't understand what was happening. A group of people passed and saw what was happening. The guys of the group took the guy off me while the girls of the group took me and Mailo to the next block where my car was also parked. The police was called and the guy has been arrested... I was almost raped that night and well... Mailo would have seen it. From the look on my face... he knew that strange man had hurt me and he started crying because he didn't want someone to hurt me. That's why ever since he asks strangers who are grown man if they will hurt him. To woman he doesn't ask but well... to man he does."

He didn't look at me the whole time she was talking. Her voice had been soft but just loud enough for me to hear. She took a bite of pasta and I took her hand in mine. She looked at our hands together on the table.

"I'm sorry that happened to you and Mailo... I do understand the question now though. He's a clever guy isn't he?"

"Very... already skipped a grade because he's a fast learner."

"Just like his mom... you did a good job with him. He turned out good."

Her eyes looked up at my eyes and she softly smiled at me in a way of saying thank you. We talked about Mailo for a little longer. About him as a baby and his interests. He likes cars... when those words left Neah's mouth I stopped in my tracks and had smiled so widely it made a giggle erupt from Neah's throat. He likes cars... he has the same interest as me... cars.

(1082 words)

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