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After a long day of working I arrived back at home once again. It was Monday morning and the weekend was too full for me so I didn't get a lot of rest... in fact I was at the office every morning at 7AM because of my father and his stupid meetings for the American headquarters he wanted to build. I had to be there to talk about the design and everything while we had an online meeting with people from the US. When I came home every afternoon it was a quick change before going to other meetings with friends or something else. Max and Mailo had spend the whole weekend together and went out both days together. Max had also picked up Mailo after school again. I pulled off my coat and walked into the living room to see them both sitting on the couch. I dropped the groceries on the counter as I walked towards them.

"Hey boys."

"Hai mommy."

"Hey Neah."

I placed a kiss on Mailo's hair and then returned to the kitchen to start on the food for tonight. I rolled up the sleeves of my dress shirt and heated the pan to cook the chicken in for my pasta pesto. Between cooking in I set the table together with Max. After a good 30 minutes food was ready and the clock turned 18:30. We sat down at the table and ate together discussing our days. Dinner was always a favorite moment of my day and I had to admit dinner with Mailo AND Max was even nicer. Max made the feeling of a family complete to me. Maybe I should give him another shot? Right? Who am I kidding... I don't know if that's what I want yet... I can't give him false hope right? But I gave him a kiss on the cheek the last few nights. God I have to make it so hard for myself. Max cleared his throat making me get out of trans and look up at him.

"Are you okay?"

"Yea I'm fine. I was just thinking a little."



"Liar. What were you thinking about?"


"No you were not."

"Okay I wasn't but it's not important. I just had a good thought about it."

"Okay I'll let it rest... for now."



I shook my head disapprovingly at him before we started cleaning up the table. We did the dishes together and afterwards I helped Mailo a little bit with some school work as Max was horrible at helping him. I took him to the bathroom to take a bath and afterwards I tucked him into his bed. I closed the door behind me and saw Max standing in the kitchen. He was looking on his phone as he was holding a glass filled with water. He placed it in the counter before he typed and then placed his phone in his pocket. In that moment for some reason I was sure about giving him a second chance. I walked to the kitchen and stood in front of him. Okay maybe a little too close to him but that's not the point. He looked at me and something in his expression changed.

"I'm giving you another chance."


"Yes. Mess it up this time and you won't get another one. I don't give third chances. People barely get a second chance."

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