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I woke up by light that softly came through my curtains. I rubbed my eyes and sat up straight when I looked around the room I saw clothes laying all over the room. On the floor. On the bed. In the hallway. Everywhere. I looked beside me where Neah was still sleeping while she laid on her stomach. Her bare back showing as the duvet was just covering her bum. My mind drifted back to yesterday night. We had kissed our deal closed and then I took her hand in mine. We walked to my apartment and when I had opened the door and let us inside it was dark. I had closed the door behind me and watched as Neah pulled her sneakers off her feet. Her dress sliding up a little too high revealing a tiny bit of her bum. How did that turn me on? I walked over to her and when she looked up to me with a soft and gentle smile. My breath and words were stuck in my throat as that smile in particular made me weak. I felt weird tingles erupt in my stomach and I felt myself smile back at her gorgeous face.

"I want to fuck you tonight... on my bed."

The words left my mouth and I saw the shock on her face before she softly laughed. She walked further into the house and the only lights coming in were the ones from outside. She let her dress slide down her body and onto the ground. She climbed onto the counter of my kitchen and I swallowed hard as I looked at the lacy minimalistic Bordeaux underwear set which was the last to cover Neah's body. For gods sake she's a fucking tease. She wants me to fuck het right? Because she just dropped her dress and is sitting on my counter with her legs crossed her hair perfectly loose and...

"What are you waiting for Verstappen?"

"Just trying to remember if this is real or not."

She looked down and I followed her eyes to my erection which... was visible right now. Not a little but it was almost screaming to get out. I looked back up to Neah who then looked back at me. She had a tiny smile on her lips before she gently but her lip. That was the final droplet for me! I pulled my shoes off and opened my dress shirt I let it drop to the ground as I walked to Neah. I stood between her legs as she looked at my stomach where the sick pack was which I trained 6 days a week for racing as well. She ran her soft slightly cold fingers over the lines of it making my breath stocked in my throat again. I looked at her face as her eyes followed her fingers and her mouth had a slight gap as she was focused on the touch. I was now breathing heavily before I pulled Neah her legs around my waist. She wrapped her legs around me like I intended her to do. Her arms followed as we made out while I walked us to my bedroom. I gently placed her on the end of my bed and broke our kiss gently while I climbed out of my pants and threw it across the room. She looked at the pants that landed and then brought her eyes back to me. She had a gentle smirk on her eyes and looked at the boxers I had on as my last layer. She looked at my eyes and nodded her head to the left signing me to get rid of them. I removed them as she sat up on the bed and removed her bra leaving her in her thong and nothing else. I was already fully naked. She gave me a blowjob before I placed a condom on as she removed her thong and I entered her. The whole night was filled with fucking each other. Monad filled the air as well as whispers with instructions for the other. Last thing I knew was me getting rid of the condom that was filled and coming back to the bedroom to see Neah had fallen asleep I didn't have the energy to clean up or dress so I just threw myself in bed next to her and closed my eyes just like her. Best fuck I've ever had.


Her soft vevelty voice groaned from beside me and I looked to my side to see her pastel green eyes look at me as the morning sun made her face more structured.

"Hey. How did you sleep?"

"After what we did yesterday night... amazing."

She talked while she got up and collected her underwear before heading out of the room to go to the bathroom probably. I took a last glance at the naked Harrington in front of me and pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming because this girl is hand carved by god himself. She's a walking angel. No seriously. She's a goddess. I have plans what I'll be doing tonight... or more specific... who I'll be doing. I got up and changed into a basic white T-shirt and a pair of dark blue sweatpants. I went out into the hallway and found her dress still laying in the same spot as where we left it yesterday. My dress shirt was gone though. I heard the bathroom door open behind me and saw Neah exciting. There is my dress shirt. She wore my white dress shirt as a cover up but it was so short it barely covered her bum. If she would raise her arms it would reveal her Bordeaux red thong again. I looked her up and down as she walked past me to the window to over look Monte Carlo. She turned her head towards me and lifted her eyebrows.


"I think we're doing a round 2 right now."

She laughed softly but oh my I wasn't joking around. I pulled the blinds closed and the room was dark again. I stepped closer to her as she looked at me a little surprised but willing to give me the thing I wanted because her fierce eyes told me enough... she wanted me as bad as I wanted her.

(1065 words)

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