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"Dad please make sure he's in bed on time! I don't want him all tired after this weekend!"

"Yes sweetheart. Don't worry just go now."

He shooed me out of the house back to the car. Max was sitting behind the wheel of my steering wheel as we were both dressed comfortable. Sweatpants and a shirt. I jogged to the passenger seat after giving Mailo one last smooch. Max and I would head to North-Hampton for the weekend. He wanted to take me out like just the two of us. Like a little get away. We had packs sour bags and were now on our way to the hotel he had booked. It was already July and we've been dating again for a long while. It felt comfortable and good to be around him. I loved it to be honest. Mailo loved it too that we were back together. Max his hand laid on my thigh as I was playing with his bracelet on his wrist. We silently listened to the radio as I dropped my head on his shoulder.

"I really needed this relax weekend away..."

He chuckled softly at my words before he spoke up himself.

"It's not all gonna be relaxing."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You'll see when it's time for it..."

"No your keeping it a surprise?!"

"Yes and you can't spoil a surprise so can't tell you Neah."

"I hate you."


We drove the rest of the time and when we arrived at our hotel we checked in and went up to our room. We changed into jeans and a top before we got in the car again. On our way to the surprise. I was looking around searching for any clue on the road boards but I couldn't find anything. We were almost at the Silverstone circuit and I looked at Max as we passed through the gates.


"We're gonna take a drive. I wanna show you something similar to what I love to do."

"No no no no no no. I am not getting in any car to let you race it around like a bad shit crazy person. I want to live to see another day."

"You're not gonna die. I'm a professional racing driver remember."

"Professional racing driver my ass! I am not getting in."

"Oh come on Neah. Don't be a baby."

"I'll watch you be a crazy morhtefucker but I am not getting in."

"Yes you are. I promised Mailo that I would get your reaction on video."

"He knew?! For gods sake!"

"Come on."

Max climbed out of my car and walked to my side of car. He opened my door and grabbed my hand as I followed after him. We walked to the track where a Porsche was waiting for us in the pitlane. We both pulled on helmets as I started shaking really badly. Max chuckled at me and pulled me in for a hug.

"Nothing is gonna happen calm down."

"Shut up. Your not making it any better for me."

"I'll go easy okay? We'll just go around on a more normal speed and then increase it bit by bit. If you don't feel comfortable just tell me and I'll slow down."


We got into the car and Max drove us on track. Like he promised me he took it slowly. Every round he increased speed by 10 to 20 kilometers. We started on 110 and ended up at 200 something. I held my hand over my mouth to prevent me from screaming as I squinted my eyes closed hoping it would be over soon. Within seconds I felt the car slow down to a more normal speed as I felt a hand on my thigh. I opened my eyes and noticed we were back to driving 100. I watched Max smile softly at me.

"I suck at this high speed thing. I'll leave it to you."

"Neah we were going 270 at some points. I was surprised you even got to this point. That's a high speed you know."


"Vic went 240 as a maximum so you did better then she did."

I smiled softly at him as he told me that. I kind of felt proud of myself in that moment. I looked back at him and Max looked genuinely excited and happy. This really was what he loved to do.

"You know what... go a round full out. Don't stop till you finished your round. How hard I'm screaming and begging don't stop."

"Are you sure?"

"Do it."

"Alright... if you want it."

When we arrived at the start/finish he pressed his throttle hard and we were launched away. I was screaming at the top of my lungs as he went around the track as fast as he could. When we finally crossed the finish line we slowed down again to a normal speed and Max was laughing so hard while I just stared in front of me.

"That was the most scary thing I've ever done and for some reason I liked it."

"See it's not that bad."

We went back to the pitlane afterwards and went back in my car to drive back to the hotel where we changed once again but this time for dinner. I pulled on a simple black dress and I pulled on my heels. I didn't wear them very often because Mailo can be a runner if he's distracted and I learned my lesson that heels are not nice to run in. I did my hair and my make-up before we were both ready. Max wearing a simple white dress shirt with a pair of dark grey jeans. I twirled me around gently and pecked my lips.

"So pretty."

I giggled softly at his words as they made me genuinely happy.

"You look handsome yourself Max. Shall we go then?"

"If you're ready."

I nodded at him before we left our hotel room. My phone in Max his pocket as I didn't have any pockets. Max had already booked a restaurant for us and he had really thought everything through for this weekend. I thought it was sweet.

(1034 words)

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