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It's round 13 in Belgium. Neah and Mailo had arrived in Belgium yesterday evening late because of Neah's flight from the US to England to pick up Mailo and then head to Belgium. We went out for dinner and I finally asked Neah to be my girlfriend when we strolled over the sidewalk with Mailo. She had said yes luckily and I was happy about that. We shared the room this weekend like we're doing now whenever we're together. My alarm was going off through the room and I immediately turned it off as I heard Neah groan besides me.

"Why so early..."

"Traffic is horrible around here Nee."

She groaned again into her pillow as I smiled tiredly at the sight. I kissed her head before climbing out of the bed. Mailo was awake as well and climbed onto the bed with his mom.

Neah had just pulled on her black dr

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Neah had just pulled on her black dr.martens shoes and stood up. She left her hair loose and pin straight as she had a little bit of make-up on. She looked beautiful and I loved this new dress.

"I like this dress."

"Thank you."

She smiled at me as she helped Mailo do his little hairs. When we were done I took both of our backpacks with me. One of mine and one of Mailo and a little bit of Neah. We went outside and climbed into the car as people took pictures of us. We drove to track while Mailo was watching a video on his iPad.

"Are we gonna keep our relationship private or public?"

Her voice came out of nowhere but she had a point to talk about this.

"What do you want?"

"I don't mind both that's why I'm asking."

She smiled softly at me and she looked so sweetly at me I was about to melt.

"Public then. So I can mark my territory."

She laughed at my answer but gave me a nod telling me she was okay with it. It was Sunday and I would start on the front row next to Sergio. A good day for Red Bull you could say. We arrived at track and Neah placed her sunglasses up in her hair as we both climbed out. She unbuckled Mailo and let him out of the car as she placed the iPad in his bag. Mailo wanted to carry his own backpack like always so Neah helped him put it on. She's the best mother he could have wished for. I joined her by her side as Mailo already started walking to the paddock entrance. He had his own paddock pass hanging around his neck. He was so proud about it. I grabbed Neah's hand and intertwined our fingers as we walked after Mailo. Mailo was about to climb under the paddock entrance gates before I called him back.

"Mai you can't do that. You need to scan your pass come here."

He waited for me and I picked him up so he could scan his pass. I placed him down and he walked through the gates proudly. He saw Neah's dad walking further down the paddock and he started running. Neah groaned and quickly scanned her pass and ran after him. She grabbed him and threw him over her shoulder making him all giggly. He was such a happy kid... Neah waited for me to catch up before we continued walking.

"Mama I want to go to grandpa!"

"You'll see him in a few."

"No now please!"

"Alright fine."

She kissed my cheek before she walked to her father while I entered the Red Bull hospitality. I went to work with pre race meetings and all kind of things. After driving the car to the grid I brought Neah and Mailo on the grid even though they aren't supposed to be there. Mailo wanted a photo with me and the car on the grid really bad so I couldn't resist. We snapped a few pictures before I helped Mailo climb through the fence. I helped Neah climb through next so she wouldn't flash anyone with her dress. I pecked her lips before she went to the garage.

"Good luck."

"Thank you."

She had that warm smile on her face that made me feel all swoon. I felt myself warm up inside as I saw how Mailo took Neah's hand as they found their spot in the garage. I soon climbed into the car and drove around Spa. I had lost 2 positions and gained them back before the finish line. Coming home in 1st place once again felt amazing. This feeling will never get boring! I climbed out of the car and celebrated it by jumping into my team. I looked to the side to see Mailo and Neah smiling. Mailo had his headphones around his neck so he could now hear us better. I walked towards them as Mailo sat on the fence. I pulled my helmet off as well as my earplugs and balaclava. I pecked Neah's lips gently and then planted a kiss on Mailo's head. He hugged me and so I picked him up from the ground. I took him with me to the weighing area and placed him down.

"Wait here for a small second Mai."

I quickly weighted myself and took his hand to go to the block to drop off my helmet, grab some water and pull on my cap. Mailo was distracted by Charles and ran to Charles. He tapped him on his leg and Charles looked down to the little guy next to him. Mailo opened his arms and Charles picked him up. Mailo was friends with all the drivers already and he had only been to 3 races so far. Everyone loved him. Charles held him on his hip as they talked together. He's back to being his social butterfly self. After Charles placed him back down and ruffled his hair he ran to Lando who came to congratulate us probably. He was running around slowly to let Mailo chase him before picking him up by his armpits and swinging him around. Photographers found the interactions of Mailo and other drivers interesting so kost of them were focused on getting shots of it. I got the microphone and went to talk to Nico to do a small interview. Somewhere half way my answer I fell silent because Mailo came standing in front of me. He was gently pulling my hand telling me he wanted to be picked up again. I picked him up quickly while answering my question further.

"What about you Mailo? Are you proud of your dad for winning the race?"

I looked at Mailo as Nico directed his question to Mailo. I held the microphone up a little bit so his voice would be heard better.

"Yes! My papa is the best! Nobody can beat him!"

Nico and I both laughed softly before I thanked him and handed the microphone away.

"Come on let's go to mama. Dad has to go to the podium ceremony. I'll see you afterwards okay?"

"No! I want to go with you!"

"I'm sorry buddy but you have to stay with mommy."

"I don't wanna stay with mommy! I wanna stay with you!"

"You'll see me standing up there okay? It only takes a few minutes and then you can help me with my media duties okay?"


He hugged me tightly before I handed him back to Neah. She smiled at me gently as she made sure Mailo was sat comfortably on the fence. His back resting against her shoulder. I pecked her lips one more time before heading to the podium thinking to myself how did I ever get so lucky...


(1293 words)

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