ill (;'༎ຶٹ༎ຶ')

307 3 0

f l u f f.

You walked in through the front door with your hands in the pockets of your stolen hoodie.
You loved to steal things,
Especially from Katsuki.
"Aughhhhh...I feel like farts." You said, burying your face in your hands and leaning your aching head on the counter. Katsuki looked up from the pot on the stove and over at you.
He wore a disgusted look on his face, like you had just eaten dog poo.
"What is wrong with you?"
You hadn't even realized Katsuki was home, so his voice startled you.
You looked up at him and smiled. "Oh. Hey Katsu. Didn't know you were home."
You walked up to him with your arms spread open, ready to incase him in a hug.
You must've been delirious asf if you thought Katsuki was gonna let you hug him while you were sick.
As soon as you wrapped your first arm around his waist, he pushed you off of him.
"Yeah. Uh uh. I don't think so woman."
"Katsu...!! I want a hug!"
"You also said you didn't feel good. I'm not getting sick."
"And you can't deny it cause you sneezed."
"Go sit down at the table."
You gave him a pouty face and crossed your arms as you walked over to the dinner table. You sat down in one of the chairs and laid your head down, the lights in the kitchen made your headache like a zillion times worse so you felt the need to shield your eyes from them.
Katsuki walked over to the table with his hands in his pockets.
He squatted down in front of you.
"Put your head up."
You obeyed.
He placed the back of his right hand on your forehead and left it there for a few seconds, then jerked it off.
"I'll be right back. Stay put."
You watched as he walked out of the kitchen, and you tried not to focus on how it even hurt when you breathed.
You know,
The thing humans have to do to live.
Yeah, that hurt.
Being sick sucks.
Katsuki was in the bathroom rifling through one of the drawers under the sink for something.
Once he found what he was looking for he clasped it in his hand and a small noise of victory played in his head.
A thermometer.
He walked out of the bathroom and back into the kitchen where you were.
You were sat at the table still, thinking about every part in your body that hurt.
He walked over to you and kicked your foot to tell you he was back.
You had put your head down again-
You jumped and then looked up just to see your boyfriend.
"You scared me."
"You're scared of everything."
"Shut up."
He put the thermometer under your tongue and you sighed.
You felt mad at yourself.
Why'd you get yourself sick?
And it hurt your head even more to think about how you even got sick.
So you just forgot about it.
Well, tried to.
The thermometer beeped and Katsuki left it in your mouth until it got annoying.
He walked away from the pot that was still on the stove and over to you.
"Okay! Okay! I get it...! Jeez!!" He pulled it out of your mouth and squinted trying to read the numbers.
"How is it that high?"
This made you worried.
You knew you were hot,
Your friends told you all the time.
But were you really that type of hot?
You peered over and tried to read the numbers upside-down.
You buried your face in your hands and groaned.
"It's not my fault! Someone musta gotten sick at work and I just didn't know!"
"Yeah yeah shut your mouth."
Katsuki stuffed the thermometer in his pocket and picked you up.
That was unexpected.
You grabbed the back of his shirt so you didn't fall.
"Katsuki! Don't drop me!"
"I'm not going to drop you, idiot."
He took you out of the kitchen and walked over to the couch in the living room.
You loved that couch.
He laid you down and grabbed one of the blankets that was on the armrest and wrapped it around you.
Burrito mode: activated.
Katsuki grunted and grabbed a tissue out of the tissue box on the coffee table.
"Sit up."
"No. I'm comfy."
"Don't care."
"Sit up."
"Uh uh."
He gave you a death glare.
That was super scary ~(>_<~)
So you sat up.
He held the tissue up to your nose and you looked up at him.
"You know I can blow my own nose, right?"
"You know I don't care right?"
"I'm not about to let you do something like this for me. I'm just sick. My arms weren't cut off."
"Just blow before I kill you."
You blew into the tissue just to shut him up. You were sick and tired and you didn't feel like arguing.
He threw the tissue away in the small trashcan that was near the couch.
"Was that so hard?"
Katsuki made his voice sound high pitched and goofy when he said his next sentence.
"No Katsuki. I'm sorry for being an idiot and not obeying what you say cause I actually have a death wish!"
"Shut. Up. You're making my head hurt more."
"You know you look like a tomato."
"I don't care Katsu..."
He yanked your hoodie off and threw it on the floor.
Thank the lords you were wearing a bra.
He was halfway through taking your leggings off when he looked up at you.
"Cause. You have a fever and wearing these clothes aren't helping. You're gonna overheat."
"If you really think I'm letting you do anything yourself, you're dumb."
He pulled your leggings completely off and threw them over where your hoodie was on the floor.
"I'm gonna go get you a shirt. You don't have to wear any pants."
"Why don't I have to wear any pants?"
"It's just me and you."
"That made it sound weird."
"You're disgusting. Shut up."
(Monkey doesn't wear pants 🦧🦧🐒🐒🦍🦍👖👖👖🚫🚫🚫)
(Why did I do that Idk I'm literally drunk off of air right now.)
(Please help)
He walked out of the living room and into your guy's shared bedroom, all of your clothes were dirty cause you hadn't done laundry in like a week so there wasn't much.
But he found something.
The plain white t-shirt you wore when you went out to eat at Chick Fil A for your guy's third date.
It still had the ketchup stain.
He smiled down at the small spot on the shirt that had been tampered with.
He walked out of the bedroom with the shirt in his hands.
"Here. Sit up."
Your face was buried in the pillow that was on the couch.
It wasn't really comfortable but-
You groggily sat up and looked up at Katsuki who had the shirt rolled up so he could put it on you.
"Arms up."
You put your arms up in the air and Katsuki put the shirt over you.
The rest of the day went by rather slow.
Katsuki actually spoonfed you chicken noodle soup.
Yeah that was cute.
You could tell he was holding back the urge to make airplane sounds the whole time he was feeding it to you.
It was just so obvious.
And get this-
You wanted to take a bath,
Katsuki went in the bathroom w you and helped you wash your face and your body cause you were literally like-
Dying on the inside and it hurt when you moved your finger.
So yeah.
Daddy Bakugo is what I want more of (¯ ³¯)♡
After you took a bath he put you in your pajamas and you guys both fell asleep in the bedroom.
Surprisingly even though he completely denied a hug,
You convinced him to give you cuddles.
Ah, yes.
Katsuki cuddles.
Even if you were sick, this was the best day ever.

K. B. Oneshots ★Where stories live. Discover now