Everyone else

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Just some info that will be helpful: your quirk is ice reality you can make ice sculptures out of your hands and that said sculpture can do what it would do regularly idk im bad at explaining this so like if you make a pencil out of ice you can draw with it or if you make a gun out of ice you can shoot it but the downside of it is that the objects will melt after a certain period of time and also ur quirk makes u rlly cold and if you use it too much you get slightly feverish sO mHm. So yeah kinda like Todoroki's quirk and Yaoyorozu's but ANYWAYS

"TRY ME...!" You screamed, forming another object out of your already numb hands, there was a villain attack going on in the city, and let's just say you weren't holding up so well. Blood was dripping out from your head, you felt woozy, and your costume was torn. All of the weapons you had made to try and defend yourself against the villain, who's quirk was unknown, had melted and turned into tiny puddles in the middle of the road.
You tried to run up to the jerk and kick them while the object finished forming in your hands, but that was no good. The villain laughed and snapped her fingers, causing another way larger villain to show up behind her. It's steps made holes in the pavement and all you could do was look up at it. You had no backup whatsoever. Bakugo, the other hero that was here helping you, was off fighting some of the minions. Uraraka, another person who came to help, was trying to clear out as much rubble as possible and try and find survivors while fighting off some other villains in the process, and here you were, standing all alone in front of this bad guy, doing nothing.
Nothing at all.
You tried to run up to it (bad decision) and it snatched you off the ground with it's hand. It squeezed you tight like you were nothing. You felt something crack, but you didn't know what it was.
You moved your hair out of your face with the winds help and tried to pull yourself out of the villains tight grip.
But it was no use.
All of the bystanders that were watching from afar stared with worry written all over
their faces, some kids were crying to their mothers and fathers as they watched their favorite hero, you, get beat up like this.
Thankfully you made it out of the villain's hand and you started to walk up his arm, the object you were creating in your hand had just finished.
A rope.
Your plan was to wrap the rope around the villain's neck and use all your strength to swing it around and smash the villain down into the ground, but that didn't work out well.
The villain grabbed you as you had just made it to it's neck and dropped you.
And you fell,
And fell,
And fell,
And you kept falling.
Eventually, you hit the pavement.
And the last thing you heard before you blacked out was the gasps of oh so many people.
That loved you.
You broke a few bones. Your left foot was pointing south and your arm was all twisted.
Your costume was ruined.
And a big puddle of blood spread out around your figure.
Cops and other heroes blew their whistles to keep the bystanders behind the gates they had put up so they couldn't try and go help you.
You were just there on the ground.
In a puddle of blood.

A few minutes passed and Bakugo, one of your partners on this mission, noticed you.
Bakugo was your boyfriend.
And he was quite the overprotective boyfriend.
He wouldn't let anyone even hug you without getting a stink eye from him and having to also see him grab your chin and make out with you right infront of them.
So, just picture how he was seeing you hurt.
Extremely hurt.
You were injured more badly than anyone else there.
Bakugo was not having this. He blasted his way onto the ground where you were and ignored all the cameras that belonged to the fans.
He had a lot of fans.
And the majority of his fans were teenage girls who had their rooms decorated with posters,
figurines, and all of this other merch Bakugo had.
Even though they all dang well knew he had a girlfriend.
He felt the urge to cry threaten him like he threatened everyone else.
He shook you, trying to get you to wake up.
"Y/n. Y/n. Y/n wake up. Y/n don't play around with me right now WAKE UP!"
You didn't wake up.
This made him so worried.
He started to cry.
Katsuki Bakugo started to cry.
He looked at all the cuts you had and how your hair was a mess and tried not to look at how your boobs and your whole entire right thigh were almost showing cause of how your costume was ripped and he also looked over your foot and weirdly- twisted arm. Which were both definitely broken.
He leaned his head on your stomach and grabbed your hand and squeezed it,
But you didn't squeeze back.

He lifted you up into his arms and he noticed how you winced when he picked you up.
Your whole body was in pain.
It hurt to even breathe.

Thankfully, a few other heroes that weren't partners with you had taken down the villain.
So now it was just you and the love of your life.
Out in the road.
He called 911 and gave the dispatcher quite the attitude when she picked up, but you can't blame him!
"911 how can I hel-"
"O-okay, sir. What's your location?"
"Hiyoshi City."
"Are you apart of the villain attack?"
"Yes. Now gimme an ambulance."
"A-alright. One's on it's way. Did you want me to stay on the phone with you until they arrive?"
"I don't need some extra keeping me company."
He hung up.
Bakugo cradled you close to his chest as he wiped the blood from your forehead.
Eventually, the ambulance arrived.
You were rushed to the hospital on oxygen and an IV in the ambulance.
And Bakugo didn't let your hand go the whole ride.

When you woke up, you were in a hospital bed. Your broken foot was wrapped up in bandages, and your broken arm was put into a cast. All of the cuts you had were patched with band-aids and you were in a hospital gown instead of your ripped, now quite- revealing hero costume.
As soon as you woke up, you felt arms wrap around you.
"Oh my gosh...you're awake."
That voice sounds familiar...
"Yes. That's me, Idiot. That's me."
You suddenly felt your shoulder get wet.
Katsuki was crying again.
You looked over at him, and a frown plastered onto your face.
"Is everyone in Hiyoshi okay?! Was the villain arrested?! Is Ochaco alright?"
"Tch. Dummy. They're fine. Don't you ever worry about yourself?"
"I just want everyone to be safe, Katsu."
Bakugo pulled away from you and cupped your face in his hands.
You noticed the band-aid on his left cheek and another that was on his nose.
"Katsu? Are you okay? You've got bandages all over you."
"I'm fine."
"Stop worrying about everyone else for a second."
You felt Katsuki's warm hand interlock with yours, and he stared down at the ground.
His eyes started to water, again.
Third time he's cried today.
"You almost died, Idiot. You scared me. You scared me so much. What would I do if I lost you?"
"Don't scare me like that ever again."
"I'm sorry Katsuki."
"You're aren't a really good hero. Every time we go on a mission you just hurt yourself and your back here in the hospital."
"I know, right? I'm so much like you!"
"I don't end up in the hospital every time, Idiot."
"Yeah but sometimes when you're out late and you come home from a mission, you come whining to me like a little baby telling me to kiss your booboos. Don't deny it. Cause you've done it before. Maybe that was just because the villain's quirk was laughing gas...you were probably still a little-
"Obviously it was the villain's quirk! I don't need anybody kissing my-..."
"Your booboos, Katsuki?"
"Yeah. Just- that sounds dumb."
"You sound dumb."
"Don't make me hurt you more than you already are-"
"You'd hurt a woman?!"
"I'd hurt anybody."
"I'll still kiss your booboos, Katsuki."
"Nuh uh."
"Yuh huh."
You grabbed his face and kissed the spot on his left cheek and his nose.
"There, that feel better?"
"You're so-"
"Amazing?! Beautiful?! Lovely?! Dreamy...?! Hot?!"
"I- I'm wounded!"
"Well- you're all of those things- but..."
"Can I tell you a secret, Katsu?"
"Is it that joe mama joke again? I swear if it is-"
"No. I mean, joe mama is a great guy but-"
"Then tell me already."
"I love you..."
"That's not a secret."
"Everyone already knows that. If it was a secret nobody else would've known and crazy, psychotic villains wouldn't be trying to steal you away from me so they can have me instead."
"Just say it back! Gosh, I'm starting to think you don't actually love me and that you would hurt me even with a broken arm and foot!"
"I love you."
"Aww, you're so sweet, Katsuki."
"I'll kill you, too."

K. B. Oneshots ★Where stories live. Discover now