I didn't expect this, but I like it a lot.

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The fact that I thought i was a genius when i wrote the title 🤓
Also srry if this sucks cuz im writing this when im supposed to be asleep but...
🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ idk i just started writing i cant help it

You never would think the Katsuki Bakugo, AKA the local hothead of like, everywhere would be the boyfriend to smother you in love 24/7 everyday of your life, would you?
Yeah, no. You wouldn't.
You'd probably think that type of behavior would come from someone like Izuku or...Kirishima or heck, maybe even Mineta-
It's like, insane- you're like his frickin prized possession or something.
You both are inseparable.
Like glue.
Not that Elmer's crap, no.
But- enough of just summing everything up.
You were sat cross legged in the king-sized bed you and Katsuki both shared, watching stupid tiktoks as you stuffed your face with the small bag of Chex mix your boyfriend got you.
(Chex mix is good ok-)
And then suddenly, like literally out of nowhere, the guy I was just talking about, your boyfriend, walks into the bedroom, snatches your phone and the bag of Chex mix out of your hands and falls on top of you, enveloping you in his big, muscly arms that you considered hot.
"Hello there, Mr. Pineapple Under the Sea." You said, running a hand through Katsuki's blonde locks which smelled of mango and orange citrus shampoo, as he had just taken a shower.
"Ain't nobody living inside of me. Especially not no god dang sponge, you big idiot."
"You never know..."
"That's just gross. You're vile."
"You crack dirty jokes sometimes, and they are way worse than saying you have a sponge up your butt. So, don't even try that."
(It's true, *sigh*...)
"Tch." A light pink dusted his cheeks as he snuck his hand up your shirt.
"What do you want, Katsuki? You want something. When you do this...-" you paused and pointed to the lump under your shirt, it obviously being Katsuki's hand and started to talk again- "It means you want something."
"Aww, Katsu. Do you want luvs? Do you, my precious chihuahua?..." You teased, grabbing Katsuki's face and smooshing his cheeks together.
"You've got some chubby cheeks, mister."
"I said, you have chubby cheeks."
"No~ we just match, you silly boy. Anyways- answer my question, do you want luvs?"
"No. I wanna give you luvs."
"Ooh...okay. I'm down." You said, throwing the blanket that was once wrapped around your shoulders on the floor.
"Lay down."
"Cuz I said so. You listen to what I say."
"Yes, master."
You laid down on your side and Katsuki positioned himself beside you, pulling you into him.
He grabbed your chin and stared into your pretty e/c orbs, and right before he got lost in them he smashed his lips into your soft ones.
The boy tasted like straight up caramel.
You laughed mentally at the thought of Katsuki stuffing his face with those dumb sugar-free hard candies old ladies gave you guys.
As you wrapped your legs around Katsuki's waist, that only seemed to make him more needy as he moved his lips faster, you were barely able to catch up.
The kiss got rougher and rougher, he licked your bottom lip and you obeyed, opening your mouth a little.
He slid his tongue in your mouth and took advantage of the entrance he got as he caressed your cheek with his thumb.
Even though Katsuki would absolutely never hurt you, when it came to kissing he didn't care if you couldn't breathe or if your tongue hurt the next day, you always tasted so sweet, a different flavor hit him each day he kissed you and he always wanted to get the most out of it because deep down he knew you loved it too, even if it did hurt.
He pulled a few inches away from you and wiped the saliva that was dripping down your chin.
"Just a few seconds longer..." He murmured, he felt his mouth start watering again right after he pulled away.
He wanted to devour you whole.
You breathed heavily and the warm sensation of your breath tickled his neck, causing him to lean in again. You yelped into the kiss but eventually you got back into it.
You gagged, your eyes started to water, it was beginning to become too much but you loved his sweet lips, so you wiped your eyes with your finger and placed them right back on Katsuki's cheek.
After a few seconds he was done and he pulled away but a string of saliva still connected you guys.
He smirked and leaned in again, causing you to roll over onto your back.
Katsuki wiped the saliva off of your chin and snickered as you tried to swallow.
He pulled away again.
"You taste good..." The blonde said, beginning to kiss along your jawline.
"So good..."
You slid your hand underneath Katsuki's shirt and rested it there as you tried to bring air back into your lungs.
"Thank you..." you said between breaths.
Katsuki was already leaving marks on your neck before you even said that, you had no idea in the world where he had gotten all this energy from.
Once he found your sweet spot you grasped his hair and gritted your teeth.
"K-katsuki...aw yeah~"
He saw how much it affected you when he got to that spot so he began to abuse it, he sucked on it and licked it, that mark would be there for a while.
"Mm..." you hummed, closing your eyes shut.
After a few more minutes of him leaving marks all over your body, he rolled off of you and wrapped your arms around his neck.
You pulled the comforter over the both of you and let out a long sigh, to which you ended with a smile.
"I love you so much...ba...by" you managed to slur out.
"I love you too. More than you love me."
"Mhm...I don't think so. But, can I tell you something before I pass out in your arms?"
"I never thought that you'd be like this."
"What do you mean?"
"Y-you know, like...always wanting to kiss me and cuddle me~ I always thought you'd be the type that was kinda just- there. I never would've thought you'd be this lovey dovey."
"I'm not this lovey dovey. I'm only this way towards you. If I was with anyone else I wouldn't be like this cuz they aren't you. You make me want to do this, because you're special."
"How nice..."
You smiled a little, it hurt when you did.
"Whatever. I know you want to sleep so, sleep. I'm sorry for wearing you out just- I got thirsty."
"It sounds so awful when you say it like that, Katsu."
"Shut your trap."
Just before you completely drifted out of consciousness, Katsuki pulled you even closer and placed your leg over his thigh and buried your head deeper in his chest.
"Honestly...I didn't expect to act this way, ever."

I'm like obsessed with romance so this is just one of those times where i pour like 1/3 of that obsession onto a black screen and then this happens...
I feel this should just be called "random makeout session"
Anyways im off to bed because my head is throbbing and my nose is running like crazy so im ready to go to bed and forget today existed
Ah 😛

I feel this should just be called "random makeout session"LolAnyways im off to bed because my head is throbbing and my nose is running like crazy so im ready to go to bed and forget today existed Ah 😛

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