Chapter 36

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Third Person's POV:

The UA Sports Festival finally came to an end. The podium rose up, revealing the first, second, and third place contestants.

The whole Class 1-A, including with Yui and her friends, sweat dropped at the sight of Katsuki who was restrained due to his wild behavior.

Tokoyami, who was on the third place's podium, glanced at his classmate that was aggressively trying to get out of his chains. "He's like a man-eating fiend."

"I can't believe he's not embarrassed at all," Aoki whispered to no one in particular.

"Right...? And I'm totally embarrassed by only knowing him," Ren whispered back.

"Now, we will hand out the medals! This year, the medals will be presented by—"

Midnight got cut off by All Might's signature laugh echoing around the stadium.

"Is it just me or do his laughs always sound fake?" Yui stated in a blunt tone, earning small chuckles from her three friend.

After All Might gave Tokoyami and Shouto their medals, he went over to the first place champion. "All right, Young Bakugou!" He blinked and observed Katsuki's restraining chains. ", this is a bit extreme." He took of the boy's muzzle. "You lived up to the pledge you gave. Good job!"

"All Might...," Katsuki spoke in a hoarse voice, "this first place is meaningless! Even if the public approves, it's garbage if I don't approve it!"

From the crowd, Ren burst into laughter. "Damn! How can a face be ugly and scary at the same time?!"

All Might held up the gold medal. "Accept this medal as part of your scars so that you'll never forget."

"I know I won't forget this!" Ren commented, which finally earned himself a solid hit on the head.

"Shut up, Ren."

"I said I don't want it!" Katsuki rejected the medal by turning his face away.

Yet, All Might still gave him the medal...even though he had no other choice but to put it in his mouth, which Yui found it quite amusing.

"These are the winners this time," All Might announced, "but every student had the possibility of standing up here. Just like you all saw...competing, improving each other, and climbing even further! The next generation of heroes is definitely sprouting! And so, here's some final words! Everyone, please repeat after me! Ready?! Good work—!"

"Plus Ultra!"




"It should've been 'Plus Ultra', All Might!" The crowd's protest brought laughter to the four hybrids.


"Otsukare...," Aizawa said to his students once they were back in the classroom. "There's no school tomorrow and the day after. You may get offers from the pro heroes that were watching today, but I'll announce it after the break."

Katsuki, with the gold medal in his mouth, was still shaking in rage. He felt like his win wasn't good enough to prove himself to her, especially when his opponent didn't give his all. 'That damn Icy-Hot bastard.'

Katsuki was so deep in his thought, he didn't even realize that almost all the students had left the classroom.

Almost all.

"Hey, Sparky! Do you wanna hear my answer or you wanna continue sulking till the moon's out?"

Katsuki lifted his head up, only to see her, casually sitting on top of his desk. His breath hitched as their eyes met, her beautiful dark-grey eyes with his crimson-red ones. He got lost in her eyes for a few seconds, which to him, felt like hours before breaking the eye contact. 'I really don't deserve her after all.'

Katsuki got up from his seat and walked pass her, ignoring the confused look on her face.

"Are you seriously gonna leave just like that? No explanation whatsoever?"

Katsuki stopped his track and without looking back, he simply replied, "There's nothing to explain. Go home."

"Huh?" she asked in confusion. "Didn't you say that when you win the sports festival, you'll hear my answer to your confession?"

"...just forget about that because I didn't get an indisputable first place like how I wanted. So, it doesn't count as a win and this useless piece of metal means nothing. I'm fucking sorry for wasting your precious time, but go home. I have nothing else to say to you."

It hurt Katsuki to say those harsh words, but what was done was done. As disappointment began filling his chest, he began to head out of the classroom.

"Bakugou Katsuki, you better turn your ass"

That one sentence instantly froze him on spot. Hearing how cold she said his full name sent chills to his spine. He hesitantly turned around, not wanting to make her angry even further, but avoided her gaze.

"Come here."

Subconsciously, his feet moved on their own and before he knew it, he was in front of her.

Yui held her hand out. "Let go of the medal."

Again, Katsuki did what he was told, letting the gold medal from his mouth fell on top of her palm.

When he felt it being put around his neck, only then he dared to look at her. "Yui...I—"

The girl didn't let him finish his sentence. She forcibly tugged the medal on his neck to her, causing him to loose balance.

Having fast reflexes, Katsuki swiftly put his hands on each side of the table to prevent himself from crashing into her. He tried to move away but failed as her legs were quickly wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer and closing the gap between their bodies.

Katsuki could feel his heart pounding hard against his rib cage when he realized how close she was.

Yui gaze towards him softened. "Even if you don't have anything to say to me, I do. So, hear me out." She gently cupped his cheek. "I know you didn't win like how you wanted, but that doesn't matter to me. What matters the most is that you did your best to prove yourself."

She paused for a moment, thinking of what to say next before letting out a small chuckle. " know what? Fuck it. Wanna be my boyfriend?"




"H-Huh?!" His cheeks were flushed in a thick, red hue. "Y-You can't ask me that—"

Yet, Katsuki was cut off once again when Yui's lips suddenly moved against his own. He blinked twice, shocked at her sudden move.

It was just a matter of time before he finally closed his eyes and gradually melted into the kiss. Their mouths moved in sync as their bodies pressed together.

Katsuki slowly placed a hand on her waist, before letting it move down to her thigh. He gave it a light squeeze, earning a soft groan from her in between the kiss.

It lasted for a good minute before Yui broke it off. "Sorry, but I don't take 'no' for an answer. So, I'll say this once more. Wanna be my boyfriend, Katsuki?"

Katsuki blushed once again, but he managed to answer her question. "Y-Yeah.... I'll be your boyfriend—" He suddenly paused, quickly realizing something odd. "Wait a minute...I'm the one who confessed to you first! So why the fuck am I the one answering to yours?!"

Yui chuckled. "Sorry, babe. But you said it yourself, I have to 'forget' about your confession. So it ain't valid anymore."

"...dammit," Katsuki grumbled, either because his confession wasn't 'valid' anymore or his heart wasn't quite ready when she called him 'babe'.

Seeing how adorable he was, Yui giggled and snuggled into his chest. "Katsuki?"


"You're mine now."

Katsuki broke into a rare smile and pecked her lips. "Deal."

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