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You bow your head in fear .

Taehyung :- YN I asked you a question?

Yn :- ............

Taehyung :- You tried to kill yourself by taking those fucking sleeping pill !!

Yn :- ...........

He gets angry not getting any answer to his question. grinding his teeth and grab your hair tightly which causes you pain

Yn :- ahhh My hair is falling out !!

Taehyung :- How dare you decide to do these things and write these nonsense in the letter is also against me !!?

Yn :- please let me go

Taehyung :- You want release from me, well I give it to you .

He pushes you back and you fall on the bed. He stomps over to his closet and opens one part of it, you can see him looking for something inside. After a little light falls inside the closet, you can see that there are more weapons than clothes . After looking at them for a while, he picked up a whip in his hand .

When you see the whip in his hand, you get shocked, you understand where this whip can be used later. So you jump out of bed and go to the door to leave his room . You desperately tried to unlock the door but he kept coming at you

Taehyung :- You want to escape, don't you? I don't mind if you commit suicide, but what did you write in the letter "I am a beast and I am the equivalent of a ghoul?" No one in my entire life has ever dared to speak like this to me but you did it, even if you died, I would not be able to stop my anger even after I cut your body into pieces. Now think how angry I am with you now . You called me a beast . Then see what a beast I can beeee !!

Whimp !!

Ahhh !!

with a deep breath he whips at you which lands on your shoulder . You folded your arms and lay down in excruciating pain

Yn :- Please stop I feel so much pain

Whimp !!!

This time the lash landed on your upper thigh, you immediately rubi the area as it was burning with pain.

Yn :- I'm begging you I'll never look at your eyes or talk to much with you, but please let me go

He smirked

Taehyung :- get up

You try to stand up as he commands but you can't he grabs your jaw and pushes you against the door. He grabs your tearful wet cheek tightly with his index and thumb which makes you pout .

He comes close to your face and you close your eyes and sniffed

Taehyung :- A good girl will obey all my orders like this Remember you are just a dirty maid to me

He lets go of your cheek and pushes you back causing you a headache but you don't let him know

Taehyung :- so


He runs his fingers behind your ear and down your cheek

Taehyung :- Get out of my room before I get angry again .

You nodd

You turned around and the lock on the door slid open automatically, surprising you that it was locked at the time. Maybe he closed it after you came

You couldn't walk well, even after that you forced your body, limped out of his room.


𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐝 - KTH🍷Where stories live. Discover now