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Kyong was eagerly pacing the front of the theater just waiting for the doctor to come out from the side.

When you was brought to the hospital due to excessive blood loss, you fainted from fear. Kyong was constantly praying that you would not be harmed.

After a while two nurses came out of the operation theater with the doctor. Kyong immediately goes to her to query about you.

Kyong :- Doctor is everything ok?

She kept looking down. It was clear that, she was silent for a few moments before answering the question.

Doctor :- After a few minutes liberal consciousness will return as we have administered excellently little anesthesia. Don't worry she is risk free though it is up to you how to explain everything....

The doctor gave a small smile and walked straight, leaving Kyong alone in the hallway.

Since it has been a long time you have already been shifted to another cabin to rest. When regain consciousness you can analyze which hospital you are in.

Whereas tried to sit up, you couldn't because of the pain in your nap, even though had a transrational blood catheter running through a vein in your wrist.

Notwithstanding still felt insensitive in your lower body, could not make any movement of your legs. There was no one in the cabin except you, unable to call out loudly due to thirst.

Then Kyong entered with a bowl of rice porridge.

Kyong :- Hayyy!

Kyong says cheerfully as she sits next to you and places the tray on the gurney bedside table. You look at her worriedly.

Yn :- Kyong what happened to me, I got scared and passed out. What happened next?

Kyong :- Abandon to, how's your body now, tell me shall I pull your hair, it is too tangled, have a comb in my bag though.

Yn :- See you are trying to avoid my question again.

Kyong :- I will, but while braiding your hair.


Kyong was carefully braiding your hair so you wouldn't feel any pain. Were sensing empty within yourself, and this silence was indicating a storm.

Yn :- Kyong?

Kyong :- hmm......

Yn :- What happened to me, you still haven't told me anything and what did the doctor tell you.

Kyong :- To tell you the truth..... Okay your blood pressure increased due to sudden shock and the first reason is your pregnancy. Second, the fetus was only 12 weeks old, You may have been warned about this by doctor during the baby's conception.

Kyong :- The extra jolts and high blood pressure inside the car cause amniotic fluid to compress and obstruct the blood flow to the umbilical cord, causing the fetal cells to disintegrate. the cells are permanently damaged, although if newbie had been born he would have mentally and physically disabled.

Yn :- What do you mean?

Kyong :- You have had an abortion, It was essential, albeit unintentionally.

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