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Jiang:- Mom am home.

Yn :- Why do you look so exhausted and depressed what's the dear at school?

Jiang slam opened the door with all the noise and entered your room, jumping on the bed while you randomly flipped through the books that was your daily behave.

Jiang :- I told him to give up.

Yn :- Who, that jeongwoo guy who proposed to you?

Jiang :- yes.

Yn :- Hmm I see.

Jiang continued his talk while you fumbled with your book.

Yn :- But for what reason? This park jeongwoo boy is nice, I inquired about him, his family and his personal background is also good.

Jiang :- But I'm not into him.

Yn :- No problem, I told you before that you are too young for this. Grow up there is still time and besides it is not right to get involved in these things you have to study.

Yn :- I do my best to fulfill your wants but instead you have to listen to me because I am your mother and I know what is best for you. non Of course I don't want my daughter to be spoiled like the other ten.

Yn :- And if you don't get one in your adulthood, it will be one of the biggest flax of your entire life. Yes, your classmates may give you negative remark about these things or suggest that having a boyfriend it's best because he will protect you. But don't forget whose daughter you are, everyone knows you. Besides, Jungkook is like your shadow since you were born.

You placed your hand on Jiang's shoulder and continued to expound in a gentle and slow voice as she was currently in her growing age. It is normal to have such thoughts but you have to explain it to her

Yn :- I love you more than my life and it won't take me a second to ditch you if I hear anything negative about you that hurts my respect. You know how reputated your father is in this city.

Suddenly your voice becomes firm you glare at your daughter who meekly lowers her gaze with a cold face. You smiled.

Yn :- Get ready, your uncle jeon will come to pick you up shortly for the family gathering.

Jiang :- So what should I wear mom?

Yn :- What you want is dear but not something that is reprehensible in your relative eyes. I don't want anyone to comment on you.

Jiang smiled and left the room. It was late afternoon, maybe would be sunset soon. Some maids were cleaning your room and you were knitting.

Then a few moments later you heard the doorbell thought it might be Jungkook but you didn't intend to go downstairs since the three of you lived in the same roof.

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