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Then I brought her to my house as per my father's word but I was mad with her and I felt that she was responsible for everything and I lost my parents because of her father. For him his enemies killed my father and my little family.

I forced her to satisfy my anger, how much hurt I have caused her, maybe beyond my imagination how much pain she has to endure.

Even then I could not bear her whatever I did in anger, I even hit her with a whip the mark is still on her body which now gives me chills.

I don't know but it's so guilty when I look at her now I keep thinking how many sins I've committed that haven't been atoned for.

I have never looked at her like this but nowadays I feel like I can see heaven in her, I don't know but without knowing it, I feel so much better when she is by my side I feel like all my anger has gone away. Talking to her seemed to melt away all my fatigue.

I felt like keeping her with me all the time, let her roam around this house for the rest of her life.

I was able to revive myself but who knew that someone would become a shadow in such a bright moment. My enemy's side came to know that I have a son and even threatened to kill him.

In fact, I was so scared that I didn't realize I needed to do that situation. They made me a condition that if I gave YN to them in exchange for money, they wouldn't harsh my son.

And I was so stupid that I sold her to them

⟶Taehyung flipped to the next page but there was nothing left to write after so he grabbed a pen from the holder and started writing down on the notebook.

But I now realize what precious thing I have lost. How could I do this inferior ? My heart has never stopped me?

If Ho-seok finds out that I did this despicable thing, he will kill me for sure .

⟶As he hears a car horn outside, he puts down his pen and steps out of his secret room to the ground floor.

⟶She was standing by the door with his bodyguards when she noticed Taehyung she smiled.

"Hello sir my name is kyong min.

⟶Before Taehyung can analyze the matter, Luna approaches him.

Luna :- Sir you said to get a babysitter.

⟶He furrowed his brows and called loudly for his son to come downstairs

⟶After calling out for a while he started coming downstairs with his teddy bear in his arms with lil step by step.

Taehyung :- Why haven't you slept yet?

Eunhyung :- I can't sleep alone

Taehyung :- That's why I brought you this nanny, she will take care of you like your Nene

Eunhyung :- annooo !!

⟶He Shouted

Eunhyung :- I don't want anyone, I just want Nene. You tell her to leave.

Taehyung :- Eunhyung You don't seem like you're talking too much. She will stay here and take care of you

⟶He says his voice a little strongly.

Eunhyung :- I won't talk to you, you're too bad... Huh !!!

⟶He said with sobbful voice and runs up the stairs to his room, Taehyung calls out to him from behind, but he doesn't hear.

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