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一You stared at him in disbelief that he had brought you here to sell you. He was looking ahead and walking like a robot but his hands were still on your waist. There was an artificial faint smile on his lips.

一You were in much pain but you couldn't utter a word how cruel this world could be to you. you thought him good but your were completely wrong.

一Now you understand why he played with you for so long just to hurt you which you are currently suffering.

一You bit your bottom lip to keep from crying, maybe you succeeded. Before entering the hall he grabbed your wrist and pulled you to a corner where it was almost impossible for anyone to notice you.

一And immediately put your hands together in his fists and pin them above your head. Staring at you deeply and you could see his eyes were red and you didn't know why.

一He Bending at your height came directly to your face even as now his breath hitting your face.

一He kissed.

一But it was not rough at all but could be quite soft and passionate. You couldn't hold it in anymore tears were rolling down the corner of your eyes.

一He gently bites your bottom lip so you don't feel the pain and immediately slides his tongue into your mouth as continue twisting together.

一He didn't want to leave you at all but you were getting out of breath so you tapped his shoulder a few times.

一He breaked the kiss.

一Again he looked into your eyes without saying anything, you could see the black glow on his face

Taehyung :- Come-on

一He hesitated in a dry voice.

一He stays straight and you follow him. When you walk inside noticed it's a casino, the atmosphere and chatter seems to be that everyone is here to gamble.

一Taehyung leads you to a table where you can see foreigners, And their attire looked like they would be mafia too.

一Taehyung leads you to a table where you can see foreigners, And their attire looked like they would be mafia too

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一 He met them and sat on the chair. A woman stood with them all, perhaps to encourage them in their games. Some wear dark feminine makeup with red lipstick and eye-catching dresses also some are flustered like you. Looking at their pale faces, it is understood that they may have come to be sold

一Everyone was laughing with a glass of whiskey and a cigarette between the index and middle fingers even a girl approached Taehyung and offered him drinks but he declined.

一The girl was wearing a stripy dress that barely covered her body and you were reminded of the day before, when you came to serve taehyung a drink and slipped into his lap. And from that day your life turned upside down.

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