34 - AGAIN

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The ambulance has already arrived and you put on a thick black coat over your short party dress that Jungkook managed to get you.

Taehyung's bloodied body was carried on a stretcher inside by four accomplices. You were thinking about Hoseok who was taken to the hospital a long time ago. Both of them are alive. Luckily his bullet only pierced the shoulder.


You run into Taehyung's fingers and clench your fists. Tears in eyes. He is still unconscious, you don't know when he will regain.

Taehyung has been stabbed in the stomach and the doctor has put some kind of bandage on it for emergency, after which he will have to undergo a major operation.

Oxygen mask on his face so that he can breathe properly. Put his fisted hands on your forehead.

Believe it or not, it is a fact that you are carrying his child in your womb. Didn't want to give birth to him fatherless. If in the future he finds out that you didn't save his father despite your ability, then he might start thinking of you as a sinner.

You don't want to let that happen. You are his mother like Taehyang is his dad in inequality.

If she is born as a girl then her life will be more challenging. You don't want your daughter to live in hell like you. Maybe in the future you will make Taehyung responsible for his own daughter so that she can have a better future.

For this he must live not for himself but for his unborn child.

Yn :- You must be alive.


You sat in the hallway with your hands clenched, eyes closed praying that Taehyung's surgery would go well.

Jungkook was walking right in front of you. Now he was standing against the wall with arms folded front of his chest and his legs crossed.

Jungkook:- Now if he dies then maybe no one else in this world will be happier than me. I want something like this. A beast like him has no right to live in this world.

You open your eyes and look at him with sharp colored eyes as he hangs his head and gluped.

Yn :- Jungkook would you please shut your mouth.

Jungkook:- Why are you so concern for him? Where you said, you have nothing to do with this shit.

Yn :- I am a human and I have humanity in me. Can never let a man die in front of me where I have the caliber to save him.

Jungkook :- Here's Taehyung! I do not consider him as a person. Why go to save him again? He really deserves death.

Yn :- Shut your shit up before I piss in it.

At that moment, the doctor took off his mask and came out with two nurses. You immediately got flustered and stood in front of him.

Yn :- Doctor, how is his condition now?

The doctor lowered his head, expression on your face become paled and Jungkook's eyes lit up.

Dr :- We managed to save him, but––

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