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Yn :- Your enemy has sprayed something poisonous in your eyes and you have lost your eyesight.

Taehyung didn't show any uneasiness, instead growling in exasperation. You get a bit dreary with how he suddenly became so quiet. Then put hand on his with no choice.

Yn :- Look I understand your situation but don't worry your eyes will be fine after few months of treatment and surgery an—

Taehyung :- Let me be alone for a few moments.

Taehyung's broken voice suddenly changed to a drone low. Realizes that he is depressed so tries to comfort him with more gentle words.
As a mafia is only finding out in himself how humiliating it is to be useless in such a sense.

Yn :- Look I can get your feelings.

Taehyung :- Look I don't need pity please get out of there before I speak to you in tongues.

Yn :- i-

Taehyung :- GET OUT!

With a frantic jerk, Taehyung half-forced your arm forward when you wasn't listening to him.‌ Was lucky that you are sitting flat on the floor at the time, otherwise would have landed on the broken glass.

Doesn't request him anymore you are a bit bemused how his behavior suddenly changed though now thinks it might be because of his illness. So you needs to be given some alone time, that he can adjust himself within.

Walks out in utter defeat with a deep sigh. Some of the maids were actually waiting for you to give them information about Taehyung and how he is currently doing.

Luna :- is everything okay?

Luna asks you in concerned running her finger inside you. Don't hide your spendthriftiness from them anymore, tell everything openly.

Yn :- It seems to me as far as possible that he is really hurt with his current situation so needs to be given some time.

Luna :- He needs to clean his room as kyong says that the whole is messed up.

You walk away from the commotion of the five women with a crooked smile when luna calls you from behind again.

Luna :- Sir can cut the skin by pressing it on sparkle piece.

Yn :- When did you fill the water bottle in his room which is placed next to the bed?

The four maids who were there were quite surprised to hear such an irregular question.

Luna :- I- Yeahh.. I poured purified water in the morning before sir discharge from the hospital.

Yn :- Good... I mixed sleeping powder in the bottle and after a while he drank the water because he was thirsty when I was talking to him.

You decide to walk out of the gathering with a wry smile as everyone looks at you in dumbfounded.


Slowly opening the door of the room, kyong is still lying on the bed eunhyung sitting with a stool next to her, maybe he has also fallen asleep.

With tiptoe sound so that no sound disturbs their slumber. Maybe his face is swollen or he has been crying, you are so infatuated that, can't stop yourself from patting eunhyung's head.

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