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Yn :- Don't tell me you're acting

Taehyung :- Why? Have you fallen in love with me?

—You lowered your head without saying anything and took a deep breath and looked at him. Besides he was very close to your face maybe only 4 inches apart.

Yn :- I love it when you're so normal,

Taehyung :- Don't fall for my charm, these are all traps

Another morning. You slowly make your way to his room and the door closes quietly. You know he is still asleep so you pull the bed sheet off, he was half bare and sleeping on stomach and head down.

—You pat him on the back.

—He hummed in his hoarse morning voice.

Yn :- You need to wake up now or you will be late for office

—He turns his head and looks at you with sleepy eyes.

Taehyung :- where is my breakfast

Yn :- If you want to eat in the room, I'll bring the tray and eunhyung wanted to eat with you.

"Nene Please come here once I can't zipp!"

—A muffled voice comes from far away and you realize who it is.


—You shout so it reaches his ears and look at taehyung again

Yn :- You get ready quickly, I'll bring your breakfast.

—You come out from his side. Your situation was currently such that you are managing the family. You forgot you were his slave because he make you feel that by his behavior

—You started liking him slowly but it was sudden but the truth is he respected you a lot and valued your every word.

—Forget the excruciating pain he gives you don't know if he is acting but you want to see him like this.

—You took eunhyung out of his side as he wrapped his little fingers around your index and dancing like a lil kid.

—Taehyung came out of his room buttoning his sleeves as you walked down the passageway. He smiles when he notices you.

Yn :- I thought you might eat in your room

Taehyung :- My son wants to eat with me how can I refuse

—You hand him the briefcase with a bright smile while eunhyung already walks out with his bodyguard.

Twilight evening you were sitting cross legged on the living room sofa watching the big screen TV, it was really huge in size.

—Eunhyung is in the playroom with Luna so don't worry about him

"Pipp pipp!!"

—You hear a car horn and realize who has arrived. Quickly open the door and go out, he gave you permission to do so.

Yn :- Why are you sitting inside ?

—He looked at you with a worried and bright face you could notice both on his face

Taehyung :- Lemme take you to a place to this evening.

Yn :- where ?

In chuckley voice

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