32 - 4 MONTHS

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Duhh !! Just give me the
dam answer.

Well, actually I kind of let

him down.

Like seriously !? He cares
about you, how you say refuse
to his face.

No, I didn't tell him like you think.
But I tried to convince him that it's not possible for me to keep his proposal.

but why?

You know this time my mental
state isn't stable. Besides, it is not possible for me to get involved in something new after passing these trauma, I need some time. Besides, I told Jungkook that we can be friends for life.

You missed a golden opportunity.

I don't know if I can't feel it but honestly it's improbability for me to go on right now.

I will not give you any more advice for your life, do what you think is best for you, I will always support you.


Thus another three month passed in a very ordinary manner but unusual for you. It's only a week away from 4 months but you're still didn't had your period. Which is really a cause for serious concern .

You feel compelled to take a pregnancy test to uncover your own suspicions.

Sitting on the lid of the high commode, nibbling your nails, waiting for the results


You jump on the bathroom floor in excitement. Crying with happiness, it was as good news as dark at the same time. If you are the baby's mother then Taehyung is his father.

Stand in front of the basin mirror, you were crying happiness anger pain everything was working together. Flipping the water tap so no one can hear you cry.


Bang bang bang!!!

Jungkook :- Ynn !! Are you ok? it's been almost an hour you are inside in washroom.

Yn :- Y YeAh am oK.

You say in a wet vent.

Jungkook :- Open the door, I have something important to accentuate to you.

You splash your face with water a few times. Then wipe your face with a towel and go out.

Yn :- Yes, now you can say out.

Jungkook :- Actually, there's a casino party in Busan tonight that Ho-seok Hyung will arranged like every year. I want to go there, will you be with me? Besides, you should know about this party, as you attended twice.

Yn :- Yap, I'll go with you, no problem.

Jungkook :- but.

Yn :- yes ?

Jungkook :- Taehyung will also be there.

Yn :- So I will eat dry rice now? I have no need to concern myself with his matter whether he appears or not.

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