Chapter 1

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I miss you, simple as that. I miss your laugh. I miss your smile. I miss the way you would giggle when I nibbled at your earlobe. I miss waking up to your beautiful face. Sometimes, events happen in life that we will never be able to comprehend. You left and I will never understand. Maybe if I would have done things differently you would still be by my side. I hope you will come back to me, but I know deep down it won’t happen. I wish I could relive our moments together: the laughs, the cries, the fights, those sweet kisses, and the late nights. I wish I could have it all back. But with one incident it all disappeared. I will never forget what we had. Our journey wasn’t easy but it was worth it. Loving you was and is the best experience in my life. I just want you to know that. Every single day I wake up and hope to see you again. I want to see the little curls around your face, the freckles across your cheek, your crooked smile, and your big brown eyes.  Those eyes could pull me in with just one look. I still remember the first time I saw them.


        3 years earlier

“Harry, get down here! You are going to make us late!”

“I’m coming mum.”

I slip on my shoes slowly, trying to buy some time. Once again my mom is making me help her at the homeless shelter. I do not want to go down there on a Saturday just to serve food and clothes.

“Harry, if you are not down here in five seconds, you’re grounded!”

I run my fingers through my hair and run down the stairs.

“Took you long enough, now let’s go.” My mother says while pushing me out the door.

“I don’t see why I have to help out at the stupid shelter.” I grumble.

“It was part of the deal. You come help me once this month and I let you off the hook for sneaking out.”

“That was before I knew it was on a Saturday.”

“Quit your whining, it only last a day.”

Yeah a whole Saturday. I could be playing video games or playing football with my mates but no. I’m stuck doing this.

When we arrive at the shelter my mum happily gets out of the car. She comes to my side and drags me out by the ear. We walk all the way to the doors like that before she lets go and turns to me.

“Look, I know you don’t want to be here but these people need help. Now put a smile on your face and it will be over before you know it.”

She smiles and walks in. I slowly follow her hoping this goes by fast.

After we serve food to everyone my mom tells me to go around and asks people if they need anything. I let out a sigh and walk off. I go to table to table checking on everyone but then I see one table in the corner. There is a girl at it. Her head is hung down and her eyes stay low. She lifts her head up and we make eye contact. Her big brown eyes seem to look right through me. As soon as she sees me staring she quickly looks away, her eyes going back down. For some reason I want to know her. I at least need to know her name. My legs take me to her table.

“Um, hello. Do you need anything?”

“No.” she barely whispers.

“Are you sure?”

She just shakes her head.

“Do you mind if I sit down?”

I don’t wait for her to respond and I just go ahead and sit.

“I’m Harry.”

She doesn’t move or look up.

“So are you a volunteer too?”

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