Chapter 3

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I still remember how bad I wanted to kiss you that night but I was too afraid too.  My lips curve into a smile thinking about how long it took me to kiss you: a whole year. I wish I would have had the balls to do it sooner. The rain stops so I pay for my meal and leave the diner. Exactly 500 steps until the park.

When I get to the park I slowly make my way across the field. We have so many great times here. The little games of football were my favorite. I continue walking across the wet grass and spot the swings, your favorite spot. That’s where we had our first kiss. I still remember how your hair was pulled up into a messy bun with loose strands falling around your face. You also had on a sweater of mine that you stole. Every time I saw you in it I wanted to call you mine.


My pace quickens as I get closer to the park. I can’t wait to see Ellie. In my head it’s like our friendship anniversary, as corny as that sounds. We’ve known each other for exactly a year. It’s amazing how far she has come. Ellie thanks me every day but I should really be thanking her.

 I walk across the field and see her at the swings. Ellie is looking across the field and when she spots me she smiles. She looks so beautiful.

“Now I know where my sweater went.” I say smiling.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about” she says blushing.

I walk behind the swing and start pushing her. She gets higher and higher. This time when she gets up high she jumps. Her feet land perfectly. She turns around. I expect to see a smile, but she’s crying.

“Ellie what is it?” I say rushing to her side.

“I saw- I saw my mum today.” She mumbles.


“And what Harry? She told me to leave. She said her life has been so much better since I left. She even married George.” She spits out with tears rolling down her cheeks.

“They said I was worthless. They-they said I was noth-thing. They said I wasn’t worth it. And they are right.” She says with her voice cracking.

“No! Ellie don’t listen to them. You are worth it. You are sweet, funny, and beautiful. Never listen to them. You don’t need them Ellie. You have me. Hell, you even have my mum. You’re like the daughter she never had!” I say with my voice rising.

 “Oh Harry.”

She buries her head into my neck. I rub small circles on her back.

“I’ll always be here for you.” I whisper.

I tilt her head up and place my trembling lips on hers. She freezes but then kisses me back. Her fingers pull at my curls, my hands run down her spine, she presses harder against me. I slowly pull away. Her big brown eyes look into mine, a look that use to make me uncomfortable but now puts me at ease.

“Be mine.” I say.

“I always have been.” She says with a smile.

“Ellie, I… I love you.” I say with my voice shaking.

“I love you too.” She says and kisses me again.


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