Chapter 2

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 So that’s how it started. Our relationship was hard to start but we made it. I remember after that day I came every Saturday just to see you. Not to mention doing something good to the community helped me a bit; it kept me out of trouble. My mother was extremely proud. That’s one thing I wish I could tell you is that you helped my relationship with my mother. Before you came along we didn’t talk much and we fought constantly. But you… You calmed me. You put me at a peace that I can’t describe.

 I walk down the sidewalk counting every step. There are exactly 300 steps from my flat to the diner. I only know that because of you. Your voice still rings in my head “Harry, did you know there are exactly 300 steps from your flat to this diner?” I shake my head in amusement because it was just another quality about you that I loved. You had a thing about numbers. For instance you said if I use my blue glass I can get exactly eight glasses of milk and that you have approximately 93 freckles on your face. Five… Four… Three… Two… One… And I am here. I walk through the diner doors, inhaling the familiar fumes of grease and syrup. My eyes search the diner until they fall on our table. I take my place at it and order my usual. We use to come here every Tuesday at 3 o’clock sharp. I still come every Tuesday hoping to see you come in but it never happens. Looking out the window I see that it’s starting to rain.  The memory hits me like a ton of bricks. I’m back to the summer night, in this diner, 5 months after we met. The night you opened up to me about your life.


“Harry there is no way you can finish all that food!” Ellie says crackling a smile.

“Watch me.” I say challenging her.

I start shoveling in food but I stop when I see her face. Her cheeks are red and tears are building up.

“Ellie, what’s wrong love?”

She jerks her head to me and quickly wipes her eyes. I don’t question it and continue eating but her eyes keep darting to a booth in the back. My eyes wonder over to the table and see a middle aged man sitting.

“Is that guy bothering you?”


“Ellie what is it? You keep looking over there and when he walked in you almost started crying. You know you can tell me anything.”

She bits her lower lip and stares at me intently.

“Harry. That man...That man is my father.”

The sound of her voice is strained and she wraps her arms around herself. I reach across the table to hold her hand but she draws back.

“I though your father was dead.”

“No. He is alive but it’s not like her cares. He won’t even notice that I’m his child. Every single time I come around he denies it.”

“If you don’t mind me asking… How do you know?”

Her eyes go to the floor. Her fingers tap against the table. She lets out a breath of air.

“I know you don’t know much about my childhood but are you ready to hear it?”

“Only if you want me to.”

Ellie smiles at that.

“Okay well I will go ahead and put it out there my mum slept around a lot. She wasn’t planning on getting pregnant but I came along. She didn’t want me. I can tell. She talked down to me constantly and when I was nine she told me “Ellie, the only reason I kept you was to get money from your father.” You have no idea how much that killed me. My dad is a very rich and important business man or something like that and he couldn’t let a scandal about getting some random chick pregnant. So he paid her to keep her mouth shut. He gave her a lot of money but she never spent it on things we needed like food or clothes. The money went to drugs and alcohol, which caused many problems.”

She hand rubs across the little scar above her left eyebrow. Tears spill out of her eyes. I move to her side of the table and put my arms round her. She rests her head on my shoulder.

“Harry. I… I want you to k-know the re-rest. But I-I can’t do i-it here.” She stutters.

“Alright, we can go back to my place.”

 I pay for our food and we walk back to my flat. I tell my mum that we are back and we walk up to my room. We sit facing each other on my bed.

“Now back to what I was saying. Her drug and alcohol abuse made me suffer. The first time something happened was when I was three… She slapped me and burned her cigarette into my arm. I just remember crying and telling her I was sorry. I didn’t even do anything.”

Her cheeks are soaked and she lets out a huge breath. I hand her a tissue. She smiles and blows her nose.

“That wasn’t even the worst part. The worst thing was her boyfriends. They were perverts.”

I hold my breath, afraid of what is about to come out of her mouth.

“The first time I was molested I was six. I still remember the bastard’s name. His name was Richard. When I was eight there was Tim, then Victor when I was ten, and the last one was George. I was thirteen when George happened. He was the worst. He actually almost killed me. That’s how I got the scar above my eyebrow. I have other scars but I can’t bring myself to show them…”

I bring her into my arms and rub her back. Her tears cover my shirt and she holds on to me tight. Ellie’s head tilts up and she opens her mouth.

“After him I couldn’t stay after that. My mum never believed me when I told her the things that happened. I couldn’t handle it, especially after being almost killed. I bolted and never looked back. That’s how I became homeless. I managed to stay in school only God knows how. For the past three years I’ve been alone and lost but now… Now I have you.” She says

I swallow the lump in my throat. Her hands come up and wipe the tears off my cheeks.

“Don’t cry Harry. The worst is over.”

“Ellie, I am so sorry you’ve had to go through those situations. But like you said you have me and I’m not going anywhere.”

She starts crying again but this time from happiness.

“You are such a good friend.” She murmurs into my chest.


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