Chapter 4

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The breeze hits my face as I swing. I wish I could feel your lips on mine one last time. They were always so soft and tasted like cherry.  You always love it when I kissed the tip of your nose. You would smile “your” smile. You never understood that. I always said you had a certain smile. And it was true. Your left side went up a little higher than the left, your right dimple was deeper than the left, and when you smiled it lit up a room. I jump off the swing in aggravation. I miss the landing, as usual. That was something I could never do, unlike you. You always landed on your feet.

The street lights come on and I decide to head back to my flat. On the way back I pass by my mum’s home. I almost moved back in with her after you left but decided against it. There was no way I could move. We had too many memories at our- well now my place. Ten more steps until my door. I reach for my keys and unlock the door. I kick off my shoes and go shower.

Fifteen minutes later I’m in my boxers lying face down on the bed. I can still smell your perfume on your pillow. I hug it tight remembering all the nights in here. The pillow fights, the tickle wars, and the nights we just laid there studying each other. But the one I remember the most is the night of my eighteenth birthday, the same day I moved in, I will never forget.


“Well that’s the last box sweetie.” My mum says with tears in her eyes.

“Mum, don’t cry. I am just a block and a phone call away.” I say pulling her into a hug.

“Ellie make sure he unpacks everything before he starts goofing off.”

“Don’t worry I’ll keep him in check.” Ellie says, eyeing me.

My mum walks out and I shut the door. Ellie walks over to a box on the kitchen counter and starts taking things out of it. I walk over and wrap my arms around her waist, tickling her sides a little bit. She lets out a laugh.

“Harry, stop it. Your mother said to unpack everything first.” She says swatting my hands away.

I stick my bottom lip out, pouting. She looks at me with raised eyebrows.

“Now Mr. Styles, an 18 year old should not be acting like that.”

“Come on! I have the rest of the day to unpack. But soon you’ll end up going home.” I say plopping down on the couch.

That gets her attention and she comes and sits next to me on the couch.

“Harry, this isn’t fair.”

Suddenly I get an idea.

“Move in with me.”

Her eyes go big.

“But you just moved in not even 20 minutes ago!”

“I don’t care. I just know I can’t stand having you so far away from me.”

Her eyes flicker and her mouth curves into a smile.

“I take that as a yes.”

She nods her head and she kisses me. I pull her into my lap to where she is straddling me. I kiss her neck and she closes her eyes. Throughout our relationship I’ve never gotten to see her. She was always too afraid of her scars. Ellie sits up a bit and lets out a breath of air.

“Harry, this is hard for me to do but I want to.”

She slowly lifts up her shirt. I spot out the scars she was talking about. On her side she has several deep, red marks. I rub my thumb over it. She then takes her bra off. Under her right breast there is another one. I look up and see tears in her eyes.

“You probably think I’m ugly now.” She says covering herself up with her arms.

I grab her wrist and pull them away, making her expose herself.

“Your scars don’t define who you are.” I whisper.

I grab her neck and pull her into a kiss. My hands lower to her bum and I stand up. Her legs wrap around me. I carry her to my bedroom. I lay her down on the mattress. She starts lifting my shirt up and I put my arms up to help her get it off. We continue to undress each other until there is nothing left. I rub my thumb across her cheek.

“We don’t have to if you don’t want to.”

“No Harry. I want to. I want you to have me.”

I kiss her neck and she lets out a moan. Our lips meet and the kiss seems to last forever.

“Harry…” she whispers.

“I love you so much Ellie.” I murmur in her ear.

Afterwards we lay down, facing each other. Her fingers trace my jaw then move down to my neck. I tuck her bangs behind her ear then lower my fingers to her neck. She immediately starts giggling.

“Harry, stop it! You know I’m ticklish!” she laughs.

“That’s the point.” I say with a grin.

“Fine if you want to be like that. Two can play at this game!”

I roll my eyes but then her hand flies to the place behind my knee.

“Don’t” I say sternly.

She narrows her eyes and starts tickling me.

“Ellie! I-I surrender! Please st-stop!” I say laughing.

She pulls back and smiles. Ellie leans over the bed and pulls on her pants and my shirt.

“I will be right back.”

I’m putting on a pair of sweats when she comes back. In her hand she has box wrapped in blue with a white bow.

“Here, open it.” She says handing it to me.

I sit on the edge of the bed and slowly rip off the wrapping paper. I open the lid and gasp. Inside is a picture of me and my dad. He has his arm around me and we were both laughing. I remember we were laughing because while mum was taking the photo her sunhat flew off. Tears build up in my eyes.

“Harry I’m sorry if it’s the wrong thing. But you told me how he passed away when you were twelve and I saw this picture when we were packing up your things so I decided to get it blown up and framed.” She says with her voice trailing.

“It’s perfect Ellie. It’s just… This was the last photo I had gotten with him. This was also taken the day before his car accident.”

“I’m sorry I-“

I cut her off.

“Don’t apologize. This is the best and the most thoughtful present I have ever gotten. It’s incredible.”

I stand up and wrap my arms around her. We hug tightly and I kiss the tip of her nose. We lay back down on the bed and attempt to go to sleep. But I end up talking to Ellie about my dad until I start to drift off to sleep at two in the morning. But before I do she whispers in my ear “Happy birthday Harry.” and kisses me on my cheek.


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