Chapter 5

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I sit up and yell in frustration. Leaning over to the side table, I grab my cell phone. My fingers dial the familiar number. Ring, ring, ring.

“Hello! You’ve reached Ellie. I’m busy at the moment. Please leave your name and number and I will get back to you!”


“Hi Ellie. I know you won’t reply but… I had to hear your voice again. I’ve probably left over 50 voice-mails but it’s the only way I can hear you… I-I love you.” With that I hang up.

I wipe the tears from my eyes and cover myself with the duvet. Closing my eyes I hope to get some sleep. Ever since you left, it can take me hours to fall asleep. It’s hard when you’re not next to me. You’re not there to rest your hand on my chest, your hair isn’t there to tickle my nose, your legs aren’t there to entwine with mine.  My hand runs over your side of the bed, missing the familiar curves of your body. I toss and turn until I fall asleep at three in the morning.

Ring, ring, ring.

I open my sleepy eyes and look at the clock. Who the hell is calling me at seven in the morning? I grab my phone and answer it.




“Yeah man! So I’m in town and I’m on your front step. Come let me in.”

I hang up the phone. Of course it would be him. Any time he stops by it is always at strange times. I slip on a shirt and go to the front door. When it opens Louis comes in and gives me a huge hug.

“I’ve missed you mate!”

“I’ve missed you too Louis.”

We take a seat at the table and catch up. He tells me how his charity football league is officially starting in a week and that he just bought a new flat closer to town.

“So your mum told me about Ellie.”

I stay silent.

“It’s too bad… You know, I’m here if you need to talk.”

“I’m fine.”

“Don’t give me that shit Styles. I can tell just by looking at you that you’re not fine. You’re missing that spark you have every time she’s around.”

My eyes dart to the table, avoiding his gaze.

“It helps if you talk. Um… Here let me start. Since I haven’t been here in so long the last time I saw here was at her eighteenth birthday party…”

He keeps talking but I’m not listening. My thoughts go to the party. That night was wonderful but awful too. Our first real fight happened that night. I hated it when we fought but I’d even take that back if it meant seeing you again.


Exactly two months after my birthday, we are celebrating yours. I sit on the couch patiently waiting for you to get ready.

“Ellie, don’t make us be late to your own birthday party! A lot of people are coming and by people I mean Louis. He hasn’t been in town for six months and we do not want to keep him waiting.”

“I’m coming! I’m coming!”

She hobbles into the room trying to put on her heels as she walks.

“Well how do I look?”

Ellie is in a knee length red dress. It’s tight at the top but once it hits her hips it becomes loose. Her hair is down and slightly curly.

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