Chapter 7

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I take another lick from my ice cream cone as Louis tells me about all the places he’s been. I try to listen but it’s hard. Ellie always wanted to travel like he does. I just can’t get my mind off her. Louis stops talking and stares at me.

“I’m not helping, am I?”

“To be honest, no.”

“I’m sorry mate. I really am trying.”

“I know Louis. But there isn’t much to say or do.”

“Have you gone to see her?”

“No.” I say quietly.

“It would help if you did.”

“Louis, I… I can’t.”

“Why not?”

“It hurts too much. It will just remind me of what I did and what happened. I can’t bring myself to do it.” I say with my voice cracking.

“Harry, it’s not your fault.”

“It is. I know what I did…” 

I feel something cool run down my hand, looking I see I have crushed my cone. Picking up the pieces, I throw it in the trash.

“Look Louis, I’m sorry but I need to go.”

“Alright mate. See you later Styles.”

“Bye Tommo.” I say, trying to smile.

I leave the ice cream parlor and start walking. I’m not sure where I am going but I need to get away. My feet lead the way. Before I know it I’m at the art studio she went to. I walk through the doors. My eyes search the walls for her work. In the back left corner I see it. I walk closer, studying the familiar strokes and colors. The painting is of me and her. There is a heart and inside of it she painted us and all around us is our favorite places and things, like the park and the diner. She even painted the homeless shelter too. Ellie was so excited when she made this. Harry this is my chance. If the director likes my painting it will be put up on the display! Isn’t that wonderful?! I sigh. Ellie was always doing little doodles, whether it was on napkins, scrap paper, or even my arm. Inspiration always struck her at the weirdest times.


“Harry, quick I need paper!”

“I don’t have any what do you need it for?”

“I need to draw this idea I just got.”


She stops me.

“Give me your arm.”


“Come on Harry. You have tattoos and this is just sharpie. Now give me your arm.”

I can’t help but put my arm out. She just looks so cute with her hands on her hips. We sit down on a bench in front of a book store. Ellie takes the cap off the marker with her mouth and begins working. Her eyebrows come together as she concentrates.

“What are you-“


I stay silent with a smirk on my face.

She pushes my arm towards me and says “Look!”

My eyes look over the drawing. It’s skyline of the park with rays of sunshine coming around it. It’s done so well to be done with sharpie.

“Ellie, this is amazing. How do you do this?”

“It’s a gift.”

I smile and kiss the tip of her nose.

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