Chapter 11

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I slightly open my eyes and see Louis.

“Come on; let’s get you back to my place.” He says while helping me up.

I lean against him and groan. My feet lazily hit the pavement as I try not to trip. Louis basically puts me in the car and buckles me.

The whole ride back is silent. Louis seems angry but worried too. When we pull up to his house, he helps me in and sets me on his bed.

I lie on top of the bed and curl up in a ball. Louis places a wet wash cloth over my forehead. He opens his mouth but then closes it and then he walks out.

I must have fallen asleep because when I wake up light is shining through the window. I sit up and immediately lay back down. My head is pounding.

I let out a huge breath, thinking about last night. What was I thinking? How could I do something like that? Meredith is bad news. She got me in so much trouble when we were together and I thought I was in love with her. But I wasn’t. I didn’t know what love was until I met you.

Just as I’m about to get up; Louis walks in.

“I don’t care how horrible of a hangover you have. You’re giving me and explanation for last night.” He says, shutting his door and taking a seat on the bed.

“Well… I don’t know.” I mumble.

“Damnit Harry. Do you not remember?”

“We didn’t do anything.”

“Really.” He says sarcastically.

“Yes. I didn’t do anything be-because she kissed me on my collarbones and I… Well it just got to me. That was Ellie’s favorite spot to kiss me and I realized it wasn’t right to be there with Meredith.”

“I see.”

“Yeah. So I left her house and called you.”

“I’m sorry. I just got upset because you said you were heartbroken over Ellie and then you go off with of all people that bitch Meredith. I didn’t and still don’t understand.”

“I just- I wanted to get away from the pain and numbness I felt and I thought being with her would help but it didn’t… I was also a little drunk.”

“A little? Harry you were asleep on a sidewalk when I found you!” he says leting out a small laugh.

I start laughing too but stop because of my headache.

“Do you have any-“

Louis cuts me off and says “I’m way ahead of you.”

He walks into the hallway and brings in a mug of coffee.

“Thanks.” I say, taking a sip.

I set the cup on his side table and take my jacket off since I didn’t bother to last night. I throw it over to his desk chair. It hits the chair and your letter falls out. Before I can do anything, Louis reaches for it.

“Harry… Is this from her?” he says, studying the envelope.

“Yes.” I say snatching it from him.

“What does it say?”

“I don’t know.” I grumble.

“What do you mean you don’t know?”

“I haven’t read it.”

“Why not?”


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