Chapter 19

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I wipe the tears from my eyes and sigh.

I hate how you had to go. It’s terrible. But things happen in life. What happened to you is unfair, but you are no longer hurting. That is what matters.

I stand up and place a hand on your tombstone.

“I love you and I will visit more often now.” I murmur.

I slowly walk away, taking one last glance. I have a strange feeling. I feel content like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. It’s nice.

I slide into the driver seat, placing my hands on the wheel. I need to have a chat with Louis as soon as possible. I pull out my phone and text Louis, asking him if I can call him. A few minutes later he is on the phone.

“What's up Harry? Are you okay?”

“Yeah I think I am.”

“So did you do it?”

“I did. Louis it was- it was incredible. I’m still upset. I mean I always will be but I read her letter. It made feel better.”

“That’s great! So what did she say?”

“I’m not going to say everything but she told me it wasn’t my fault. And she wanted me to tell you that its okay you didn’t make it to the funeral and that she loves you.”

“Did she-” his voice cracks and then he clears his throat. “Did she really?”

“She did Louis. She cared about you a lot.”

“I know.”

We sit in a comfortable silence for a minute and then Louis speaks up.

“You know… I was going to wait to tell you in person but I- I can’t wait any longer.”

“Tell me what?”

“I’m starting a new project on my charity called ‘The Ellie Foundation’.”

I open my mouth but close it. I am speechless.

“It’s a great charity Harry. All the money is going to go to homeless shelters. I know Ellie would like that.”

“Louis… That is absolutely incredible.”

“I haven’t told you this but the phone call when she told me I needed to talk to my dad she was telling me how she wanted to raise money for the shelters. I was going to have her help me with it but then she got sick… That’s why it’s named after her.”

“She would love that.”

I can’t help but get a little choked up. Louis cares and does so much and never asks for anything in return. I bet you are watching down on him and smiling.

“Harry I have to go. I’m still on the plane.”

“Alright. Bye Tommo.”

“Bye Styles.”

I hang up and smile. I drive home. I do exactly what you asked me to do. I do little dances and sing along. The only difference is that you aren’t in the passenger seat but I know you are with me no matter where I go.

When I get to my flat I head straight to the closet. I dig out all our pictures that I put up. I couldn’t look at them without crying but now I know… I know I can’t forget about you and I never will. You were the best thing about my life and I want to keep you in it.

I put them back up. The one of us at the beach, covered in sand. The one of us at the ice cream parlor with you shoving your cone in my face. The one of you on my back, with a fist up in the air. The one of us the night of your birthday party, smiling big. The one where we are looking at nothing but each other and it’s a look of pure love. They all go back up.

I smile when I’m finished. I can’t believe I took these memories, boxing them up, trying to run away from them. In the end, I still couldn’t get away from them.

Things happen in life, whether it is good or bad. I’m starting to realize life goes on. There will be more happy memories, more sad ones. You will be with me the whole time. You are going to always be in the back of my mind, encouraging me to take another step and to embrace a new day. 

I sit on the couch and read your letter one more time.

I can read it a thousand times and never get tired of it. I’m going to keep my promises to you. I might even find another girl one day. She will never compare to you. I will never find a girl that even remotely comes close to you. I don’t know when or where it will happen. But I do know that I love you and always will, nothing can ever change that. And if I have to I will wait for you.

I will wait...


This is the final chapter! Hope you all enjoyed it. Thank you for reading!

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