Chapter 12

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After spending the day with Louis, I head home. On the way back I spot a little coffee shop. It’s not just any coffee shop; it’s your favorite one. Even though I should keep driving, I pull into the parking lot and go inside.

I step in a see the familiar funky art all over the walls and the hippie people that work here. I order a regular coffee then head to the back wall.

The back wall has a huge cork-board on it. And when I say huge, I mean huge. It literally covers the whole wall.

People post things and carve stuff into it. The first time we were here you posted a picture of us that you had taken with an old Polaroid camera that you had bought from some antique store. My eyes scan every inch until I see it on the left hand side. I get close to the picture, studying it. I smile from the thought of that day. It was perfect.


“I hopped off the plane at LAX with a dream and my cardigan.”

“Come on Harry! I know you love this song. Now sing along!”

She laughs and pokes my side.

“My tummy's turnin' and I'm feelin' kinda homesick. Too much pressure and I'm nervous. That's when the taxi man turned on the radio. And the Jay-Z song was on. And the Jay-Z song was on. And the Jay-Z song was on.”

I give her a big smile and sing/ yell along to the music.

“So I put my hands up, they're playin' my song. The butterflies fly away. I'm noddin' my head like "Yeah!" Movin' my hips like "Yeah!". Got my hands up, they're playin' my song. And now I'm gonna be okay. Yeah! It's a party in the USA! Yeah! It's a party in the USA!”

She laughs and claps her hands. Ellie leans over and places a kiss on my cheek. I try for one on the lips but she turns her head.

“Not while you’re driving.”

I shake my head, sticking my lower lip out.

“Don’t even pout Harry.”

I put my lip back in and smile.

Ellie and I are on our way to Louis’ for his mum’s birthday party. We are actually running early for once. Usually we are behind because Ellie can’t decide what to wear.

“Oh Harry! Pull over to that coffee shop!”

“What? Why?”

“Because it looks so cute! And we aren’t running late this time.”


I can’t help but pull in. Ellie looks so cute with her big eyes and her smile.

She drags me out of the car. Her fingers entwine with mine as she pulls me to the door. I can’t help but admire her. She has her long brown hair in a messy bun with a white bandanna. Her jeans are tight and cuffed at the bottom because of her short legs. Then she has on a plain white tee. Which I believe is mine. The Polaroid camera she bought the other day hangs around her neck.

We step inside and the first thing you see is paintings and drawing everywhere. A guy in a tie-dye shirt and dreads says “Can I help you two?”

Ellie walks up to the counter and orders me a regular coffee and her iced coffee. We take a seat on a couch that looks like it’s from the 70s.

She points and says “Look at that!”

I follow her finger and see she is talking about the wall in the back. It is a massive corkboard filled with drawings and pictures. Several people tack things up and leave.

I Will Wait...(A Harry Styles Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now