Chapter 9

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I look down to see the ticket is crumpled up in my hand. It drops to the floor as I let my hand relax. I sit on the edge of the bed, putting my face in my hands. Why does it have to be like this? I miss you Ellie. I wanted to be with you forever. You are the perfect girl. You never believed me when I said you were perfect, but it was true. The way your hair flowed around your face, the pattern of your freckles, that smile… Everything was perfect. You were to one for me and now… Now we can’t be together. And that kills me.

I stand up and stretch then make my way over to the mirror. My hair is greasy and matted. There are bags under my eyes. I’ve lost weight too. It doesn’t surprise me. I can’t do anything without thinking about you. I go back to the bed, putting myself under the blankets, not caring that I’m still in my jeans. I toss and turn. My mind can’t stop running. I keep hearing your voice.

Did you know that there are twenty loose threads on your sweatshirt?

Our hands fit perfectly together.

Every time I look at you, my heart beats faster.

Remember the time we stayed up until 4 a.m. watching 80s movies?

There are fifteen steps to the bathroom.

Harry you are amazing.

You are my world Harry.

You make life so much easier.

I love you.

I scream into the pillow, pulling my hair. Tears stream down my face. I wish I could hear you in person. I wish I could hear you say those things again. I wish you could tell me all these weird things about numbers. I wish you were here. I wish I would have been there for you. I wish I could go back in time… I keep thinking of all the things I should have done until I drift off to sleep.

“Harry, go home.”

“What? Ellie? Is that you?”

I’m alone in a dark room.

“Baby, go home. There is something for you.”

“What are you talking about? Where are you?”

I frantically search the room, looking for any sign of her.

“You know...”

I sit up in bed quickly. I’m covered in sweat and breathing fast. Did you just come to me in my dream? My eyebrows come together as I think. I know what you are talking about. The envelop you left for me. I still haven’t read it. I can’t bring myself to read it. There is no telling what you could have said.

The clock reads 7:43 a.m. so I decide to get up. I throw on my jacket. While walking past my mum’s room, I see her door is cracked opened. I peak in. She is lying on the bed; her arm is draped over dad’s side. All this things are still in place. His cologne, his hats, his shoes. It’s been seven years since he died. I frown and walk away. Before I leave I write a note:

Dear Mum,

Sorry I didn’t stay until you woke up. I have things I need to do… Love you.

                                                                                                                                    – Harry          

I walk the streets a little bit, not caring where I go. Nothing matter anymore. Life without you is pointless. Maybe I shouldn’t even be here. I shake my head of my thoughts. I have to talk to someone. I pull out my phone and call Louis.

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